Saturday, 26 August 2017

Online forum riset pasar

Ademola Thompson Posisi: Pemilik Perusahaan: Segera Hadir Aktivitas: Peralatan Energi Terbarukan Sebagai bagian dari riset pasar saya mengenai pasar energi terbarukan, saya menghubungi Marketest untuk membantu melakukan survei terhadap pemilik rumah Inggris. Marketest menciptakan kuesioner survei menggunakan brief saya sebagai panduan dan Datang dengan pertanyaan yang benar-benar memukul kuku di kepala. Pertanyaan survei disusun dengan benar dan logis dan dimasukkan ke spektrum pemilik rumah yang luas. Fabrice BEILLEVAIRE Posisi: Manajer Penjualan Inggris Perusahaan: Fromagerie Beillevaire Aktivitas: Fromagerie Untuk usaha kecil, ekspor sering menjadi titik balik penting dalam perusahaan dan yang harus dikelola tanpa memiliki sumber daya dari sebuah organisasi besar. Siapa target baru Anda Adaptasi produk dan konsep apa yang diperlukan Ada banyak pertanyaan yang harus dijawab saat mendekati pasar baru. Perangkap itu mengacu pada gagasan yang telah terbentuk sebelumnya dan juga untuk kita. Yoav B Posisi: Pemilik Perusahaan: Perusahaan Kosmetik Aktivitas: Kosmetik - Krim perawatan kulit Saya sangat terkesan dengan layanan yang diberikan dengan baik, dan pasti lain kali saya akan meminta penawaran dari Anda bila diperlukan Hasilnya mudah dibaca dan semuanya telah selesai dengan baik. Dan tepat waktu Terima kasih banyak Posisi Giles Moore: CEO Perusahaan: Kegiatan Airstoc: Cuplikan UAV Stock Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami menggunakan layanan seperti ini sebelumnya, dan saya harus mengatakan bahwa layanannya fantastis dan walaupun bagi kami, ini sangat banyak. Proyek penelitian yang lebih sulit untuk dilaksanakan, hasilnya sangat bermanfaat dan disajikan dengan sangat baik, yang memungkinkan kami untuk sepenuhnya menganalisis umpan baliknya. Ditambah lagi mereka mampu memenuhi tenggat waktu yang ketat, yang sangat mengesankan. Tingle Chloe Posisi: Pendiri Perusahaan: Tidak Ada Aktivitas Tabu yang Lebih Banyak: Market Research Marketest cepat, andal dan efisien. Sebagai organisasi kecil dengan pengalaman sangat sedikit dalam melakukan riset pasar yang tepat, kita tidak benar-benar tahu harus mulai dari mana. Alex mendukung kami selangkah demi selangkah, menasihati bagaimana mengajukan kembali pertanyaan untuk membuatnya lebih tepat dan kurang memimpin. Banyak kesabaran dibutuhkan dari para Marketeers karena pengalaman dan pengalaman kami. Selamat Datang di Purdue OWL Halaman ini dibawa ke anda oleh OWL di Purdue (owl. english. purdue. edu). Saat mencetak halaman ini, Anda harus menyertakan keseluruhan pemberitahuan hukum di bagian bawah. Selamat Datang di Purwue OWL Jika Anda mengalami masalah dalam menemukan sumber daya tertentu, kunjungi halaman pencarian atau Peta Situs. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) di Universitas Purdue menulis sumber daya dan bahan ajar, dan kami menyediakannya sebagai layanan gratis Lab Penulisan di Purdue. Siswa, anggota masyarakat, dan pengguna di seluruh dunia akan menemukan informasi untuk membantu banyak proyek menulis. Guru dan pelatih dapat menggunakan materi ini untuk pengajaran di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang layanan untuk komunitas Universitas Purdue, termasuk konsultasi satu lawan satu, kelompok percakapan dan lokakarya ESL, silakan kunjungi situs Lab Penulisan. Lab Penulisan Purdue University dan Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) membantu klien dalam pengembangan mereka karena para penulis tidak peduli dengan tingkat keahlian mereka dalam konsultasi di kampus, partisipasi online, dan keterlibatan masyarakat. The Purdue Writing Lab melayani kampus Purdue, West Lafayette, dan berkoordinasi dengan inisiatif keaksaraan lokal. The Purdue OWL menawarkan dukungan global melalui bahan referensi online dan layanan. Copyright copy1995-2017 oleh The Writing Lab amp The OWL di Purdue and Purdue University. Seluruh hak cipta. Materi ini mungkin tidak dipublikasikan, diproduksi ulang, disiarkan, ditulis ulang, atau didistribusikan ulang tanpa izin. Penggunaan situs ini merupakan penerimaan persyaratan dan ketentuan penggunaan wajar kami. Pemberitahuan Penting: Mengalahkan Kebangkitan Harga DAN Kunci Dalam Akses Anda ke Pasar Samurai Secara Permanen Dengan membeli hari ini, Anda tidak hanya mengalahkan kenaikan harga, Anda mendapatkan akses ke Pasar Samurai. Untuk hidup dengan pembayaran tunggal hanya 149 PLUS - Aktifkan Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY dan dapatkan akses ke semua alat canggih dari Pasar Samurais, yang masing-masing akan dijual seharga 249 kali, termasuk: Analisis Persaingan SEO - analisis kekuatan Dari persaingan di ceruk manapun (nilai: 249) Keyword Research - temukan kata kunci yang tepat untuk mengendalikan niche Anda (nilai: 176) Domain - pilih domain yang akan meningkatkan rangking Anda di search engine (nilai: 99) Monetisasi - ubah lalu lintas menjadi Uang tunai dengan iklan afiliasi instan, dipublikasikan langsung ke situs Anda (nilai: 99) Temukan konten - artikel penelitian, dan temukan konten untuk dipublikasikan ulang segera (nilai: 99) Publikasikan Konten - tulis, jadwalkan dan publikasikan conten T langsung ke blog Anda (nilai: 99) Promosi - membangun backlink dengan otoritas tinggi untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs Anda (nilai: 99) PLUS BONUS: Pembaruan Perangkat Lunak Samurai Seumur Hidup - memberi Anda akses ke alat baru dan terbaru saat mereka berevolusi (nilai : 295 per tahun) Dukungan Email Prioritas - hubungi helpdesk kami dengan pertanyaan apa pun, dan dapatkan respons prioritas yang dipersonalisasi (nilai: 695 per tahun) Penting: Setelah modul akhir diluncurkan, mungkin menaikkan harga cukup untuk mencerminkan nilai ekstra ini. Kunci di Upgrade GRATIS Anda ke versi Platinum dari Samurai Pasar ini dan dapatkan semua update bonus ini hari ini. SEBELUM HARGA YANG TIDAK TERTUTUP BANGSA hellipDont Menjadi Mesin Pencari Lain Fatalityhellip Bebaskan Diri Anda Bergabung dengan 99 pemasar internet Siapa yang Memainkan Lotere SEO - Berjuang dengan sia-sia Setiap Hari untuk Mendapatkan Peringkat di Mesin Pencari Untuk Kata Kunci yang Menguntungkan dan Benar-Benar GAGAL Sudah Lebih dari 200.000 Pemasar Cerdas Pemula Dan Pro Sama Menggunakan Pasar Samurai untuk Mengisi Ke Pasar Baru yang Menguntungkan, Membahayakan Persaingan Dan Merebut Mimpi Kemenangan dan Menghadapi Hal yang Tepat NOWhellip Apa yang Anda Tunggu untuk Memangku Klaim Anda untuk Kata Kunci Ganda Nugget yang rendah ini? Sebelum Pesaing Anda Lakukan: Jika Anda membaca halaman ini, kemungkinan itu karena Anda ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Samurai Pasar dan bagaimana hal itu akan membantu Anda. Jadi biarkan aku memotong hak untuk mengejar. Market Samurai adalah perangkat lunak untuk Mac atau PC Anda yang menyederhanakan semua tugas pemasaran mesin telusur yang penting, menempatkan kecerdasan pasar yang lengkap di ujung jari Anda, menghilangkan ketidakpastian, dan memberi Anda fokus, arahan dan kepercayaan pada pemasaran internet Anda. Ini memangkas waktu yang terbuang sia-sia pada tugas yang tidak secara langsung menciptakan hasil - memungkinkan Anda menempatkan fokus Anda ke area di mana Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan terbaik untuk bisnis online unik Anda. Ini memberi tahu Anda apa yang perlu Anda lakukan selanjutnya - dengan menggunakan data pengambilan keputusan Yang spesifik untuk pasar unik Anda - yang berarti Anda tidak tersesat, bingung atau teralihkan - dan setiap ons energi itu efektif DAN membantu Anda menyelesaikan tugas pemasaran internet yang penting dengan lebih cepat, lebih mudah dan efisien, dan mencapai hasil yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Berarti Anda memiliki probabilitas keberhasilan tertinggi, dalam waktu singkat, dengan sedikit usaha sia-sia. Faktanya. Ini Menyediakan Alat Presisi yang Membantu Anda Menghindari Melanggar 3 Aturan Pemasaran Mesin Telusur yang Tanggung Jawab Sendiri untuk Sembelit 99 dari Semua Pasar yang Kalah Untuk Menilai Kata Kunci Yang Signifikan, Berkecepatan Tinggi, Menguntungkan. Dan itu membuktikan dirinya dalam salah satu tes terberat untuk semua alat pemasaran online. Heres The Proof: Summer, 2008: Samurai Pasar Mengambil Tes Ultimate untuk Alat Pemasaran Internet manapun. Musim Panas yang lalu, sebuah versi quotalphaquot awal dari Market Samurai secara resmi diluncurkan untuk pertama kalinya, menjadi tantangan internet global. Ini adalah ujian akhir dari kesuksesan strategi pemasaran atau perangkat lunak internet - sesuatu yang akan membuat ahli pemasaran internet teratas hanya berkeringat hanya memikirkannya. Karena untuk berhasil dalam tantangan ini, ada 3 Tes Mustahil perangkat lunak itu harus lulus - dan masing-masing memberi Anda indikasi sebenarnya seberapa baik perangkat lunak akan bekerja untuk Anda dalam penggunaan sehari-hari: Uji Impossible 1 - kutipan Cepat Hasil Uji Coba Tantangannya terbatas pada waktu yang sangat singkat - hanya satu bulan. Jadi agar perangkat lunak bisa mengutak-atik tantangan ini, hasilnya harus cepat datang. sangat cepat. Saya tidak berbicara tentang apa yang kebanyakan pemasar internet sebut quotfastquot - di mana Anda mengumpulkan situs web dan menunggu beberapa minggu, atau bahkan beberapa bulan untuk melihat apakah Anda memiliki hasil. Untuk menjadi sukses dalam tantangan ini, Market Samurai perlu memberikan hasil yang nyata hanya dalam hitungan jam - beberapa hari di Sam Pasar Samurai yang paling baik, lulus Uji Hasil yang Impossibly Fast. Tes Impossible 2 - kutipan Dead Simple quot Test Sebagian besar orang yang mendaftar untuk tantangan ini tidak memiliki pengalaman pemasaran secara teknis atau online sama sekali. Beberapa bahkan telah mengumpulkan halaman web sederhana dalam kehidupan mereka. Untuk mencapai hasil dengan cepat (Impossible Test 1), para peserta perlu menggunakan beberapa perangkat lunak berteknologi tinggi yang cantik. Dan Samurai Pasar kira-kira sangat maju, berteknologi tinggi, dan mutakhir saat perangkat lunak pemasaran internet hadir. Tapi mungkinkah itu cukup mudah untuk menggunakan siapa saja (terlepas dari tingkat pemasaran internet atau keterampilan teknis mereka) dapat mencapai hasil tingkat teratas. Pasar Samurai mudah digunakan siapa pun - tanpa mengorbankan keunggulan pemasaran internet yang canggih. Uji Tidak Mustahil 3 - Uji Coba Secara Praktis Tidak Ada Upaya Karena semua peserta dalam tantangan cepat ditemukan, setiap hari ada BANYAK yang harus dilakukan. Jadi agar peserta bisa sukses. Ada waktu NOL untuk disia-siakan - terutama dengan begitu banyaknya peserta yang menyulap tugas parenting dan kerja di antara menyelesaikan tugas tantangan pemasaran internet sehari-hari mereka. Itulah sebabnya, agar perangkat lunak bisa bekerja di dalam tantangan ini, dibutuhkan perangkat lunak quotCut-The-Fatquot. Semuanya perlu disederhanakan. Tidak ada waktu untuk menyia-nyiakan tugas yang tidak memberikan hasil nyata - setiap detik harus difokuskan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang memberi kuotasi terbaik untuk waktu dan usaha yang diinvestasikan. Tugas-tugas itu semudah dan cepat selesaikan mungkin, dan memberikan hasil dengan praktis tidak ada pekerjaan sama sekali. Samurai Pasar mengotomatisasi banyak tugas pemasaran internet yang penting. Tapi apakah itu cukup untuk hidup sesuai dengan Usaha Kecil yang Mustahil, Hasil Uji Tinggi Sebagian besar Perangkat Lunak Pemasaran Akan Mengalami Keringat di bawah Tekanan 3 Tes ini. Itulah mengapa tidak ada yang mengharapkan paket perangkat lunak yang sama sekali baru. Itu belum terbukti. Dan belum pernah dilepas ke publik. Bahkan lulus, apalagi mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa Bagaimanapun, berbicara tentang mengambil sekelompok orang - banyak di antaranya tidak memiliki latar belakang TI, bisnis atau pemasaran - dan mengubahnya menjadi kisah sukses pemasaran internet dalam sebulan atau kurang. Tentunya Anda tidak bisa mengharapkan banyak pemula pemasaran internet. Dengan sedikit keterampilan teknis. Untuk mengambil tujuan menciptakan bisnis niche baru secara online dari nol. Dengan hanya beberapa jam per malam untuk bekerja membangun bisnis mereka dari awal. Menggunakan perangkat lunak yang bahkan tidak di versi akhirnya. Yang belum pernah dibuktikan, atau bahkan dilepas ke publik. Untuk mencapai hasil praktis semalam Tapi Apa Sebenarnya Terjadi Kiri Bahkan Para Ilmu Paling Sinis Tertegun. Pemula yang lengkap mulai mencapai jenis hasil yang bahkan menjadi pakar pemasaran internet terbaik yang pernah diimpikan tentang Semua Catatan Tantangan Sebelumnya Dicuri Menggunakan Pasar Samurai: Penjualan terekam tercepat - pernah (kurang dari 1 hari) Tercepat tercatat 1 peringkat di Google - pernah (kurang dari 30 Menit) Sebagian besar Tingkatan Google Front-Page - Pernah Persentase Tingkatan Front-Page Tertinggi di Google - pernah Tanpa diragukan lagi, jika banyak orang lain - dengan sedikit keterampilan, pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam pemasaran online - mencapai kesuksesan dengan menggunakan Samurai Pasar, demikian juga dapat Anda Jadi Mengapa Orang Jadi Berhasil Menggunakan Samurai Pasar Bukan karena beberapa pemasaran voo-doo sihir yang bekerja di belakang layar (tidak termasuk barang-barang black-hat). Dan bukan karena beberapa formula kotak hitam rahasia yang Samurai Pasar menggunakan semua yang Samurai Pasar benar-benar transparan dan logis. Alasan mengapa begitu banyak orang telah mencapai begitu banyak kesuksesan dengan menggunakan Market Samurai adalah karena Market Samurai cerdas tentang cara ia mengelola kerja keras untuk Anda: Ini memangkas waktu yang terbuang untuk tugas yang tidak secara langsung menciptakan hasil - memungkinkan Anda memasukkan fokus Anda ke dalam Daerah di mana Anda akan menerima keuntungan terbaik untuk bisnis online unik Anda Ini memberi tahu Anda dengan tepat apa yang perlu Anda lakukan selanjutnya - dengan menggunakan data pengambilan keputusan yang spesifik untuk pasar unik Anda - yang berarti Anda tidak tersesat, bingung atau teralihkan - dan setiap Ons energi itu efektif Dan: Ini membantu Anda menyelesaikan tugas pemasaran internet yang penting dengan lebih cepat, mudah, lebih efisien, dan mencapai hasil yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Anda tidak membuang waktu, uang atau energi dalam segala hal yang Anda lakukan - Anda mendapatkan probabilitas kesuksesan tertinggi, dalam waktu singkat, dengan sedikit pemborosan usaha. Apa pasar yang layak ditarget Pasar apa yang layak untuk dihindari Kata kunci mana yang harus Anda fokuskan untuk hasil yang cepat Kata kunci mana yang harus dihindari Pasar mana yang memiliki persaingan lemah Pasar mana yang menunjukkan tingkat persaingan yang tidak masuk Apa peluang untuk mencapai peringkat halaman depan untuk kata kunci Apa itu Topik yang harus Anda tulis artikel di situs Anda Dimana menemukan kualitas backlink Berapa banyak backlink yang Anda butuhkan Apa kualitas backlink yang Anda butuhkan Bagaimana menentukan kualitas halaman untuk backlink. Dan masih banyak lagi Ini Membantu Anda Mematuhi Aturan Emas kuota kuotasi 5 Emas Terbaik Pemasaran Search Engine: Aturan Emas 1: Fakta: Mesin Pencari Cari Kelompok Kata Kunci Terkait Erat Dalam Konten Anda Untuk Bekerja Apa yang Harus Diperoleh Peringkat Situs Anda. Tapi Beberapa Kata Kunci yang Anda Pikirkan Berhubungan Dengan Dekat Dapat Dilihat Secara Sangat Berbeda Dengan Mesin Pencari Algoritma Komputerisasi. Resiko: Anda Membutuhkan Alat Kata Kunci yang Akan MengutipThinkquot Like A Search Engine. Pilih Kata Kunci yang Salah, Dan Mesin Pencari Tidak Akan Beri Anda Tingkatan Search Engine Terbaik yang Anda Butuhkan - Dan Situs Anda Akan Ditemukan Ke Search Engine Ketidakjelasan Aturan Emas 2: Faktanya: 90 dari semua kata kunci TIDAK ADA Lalu Lintas Oleh karena itu, Anda HANYA HANYA Sasaran Dengan Lalu Lintas yang Signifikan Terhadap Waran Berinvestasi Setiap Saat atau Upaya di. Resiko: Istirahat Aturan Ini dan Anda tidak akan pernah tertarik pada Traffichellip Signifikan dan Anda akan GAGAL. Aturan Emas 3: Faktanya: Banyak Kata Kunci Dengan Lalu Lintas Memiliki Nilai Komersial Sedikit (Kata Kunci Kicker Ban) Oleh karena itu, Anda HANYA HANYA Sasaran Kata Kunci Dengan Keuntungan PROFIT POTENSIAL. Risiko: Break Aturan Ini dan Anda hanya dapat menarik browser bukan pembeli, dan Anda tidak sadar dapat memilih kata kunci laba-laba anjing rendah, ketika untuk SAMA SAMA Anda memilih kata kunci dengan 5, 10 bahkan 100 kali potensi keuntungan dengan jelas, jika Anda mengabaikan keindahan ini Rulehellip Anda Akan GAGAL Aturan Emas 4: Faktanya: Sayangnya, Bagi kebanyakan Pemasar, 90 Kata Kunci Paling Cantik Cukup Tidak Terlalu Bersalah Untuk Peringkat Page 1 Forhellip - Anda HANYA Harus Sasaran Sasaran Yang Memiliki Kompetisi yang Dapat Diterima yang Harus Anda Ragukan Resiko: Anda Perlu Memiliki Cara yang Analitis dan Analitik untuk Menganalisis Persaingan Anda (Seperti Pendekatan Persaingan 4 Tahap yang Dipasarkan Samurai di Pasar), Jika Anda Tidak Memiliki Peringkat di Tingkat Semua. Dan Anda akan gagal tanpa alat presisi yang sistematis seperti pasar Samuraihellip Youre Doomed Untuk Break Paling Sedikit SATU Dari 4 Golden RuleshellipWhich Bertanggung jawab Untuk 99 dari semua pemasar marketerhellip GAGAL Pada setiap tahap, ini memberi tahu Anda apa yang harus dilakukan selanjutnya, dan membantu Anda melakukan Ini dengan cara yang telah terbukti berhasil dengan probabilitas kesuksesan yang sangat tinggi. Pasar Samurai memberikan wawasan canggih seperti pasar, persaingan dan taktik pemasaran yang efektif itu. Bahkan First-Time Internet Marketing Newbies. Mencapai Hasil Kelas Dunia - Dalam Bulan Pertama mereka Secara Online Dan Jika Mereka Mendapatkan Hasil Pemasaran Online Jadi Cepat dan Mudah - Lalu Mengapa Arent Anda Tidak perlu jenius untuk menjalankan Pasar Samurai, tidak perlu banyak usaha, dan itu tidak memerlukan Lama untuk mulai melihat hasil. Sebenarnya, banyak orang yang tidak memiliki tingkat keterampilan teknis, atau tingkat pengetahuan pemasaran Anda, sudah mencapai hasil pemasaran internet berkelas dunia dengan menggunakan Market Samurai. Pemberitahuan Penting: Kalahkan Harga Naik dan Kunci Di Akses Anda ke Pasar Samurai Secara Permanen Dengan membeli hari ini, Anda tidak hanya mengalahkan kenaikan harga, Anda bisa mendapatkan akses ke Pasar Samurai seumur hidup untuk satu pembayaran hanya dengan AAA PLUS - Unlock Full Version Dari Market Samurai TODAY dan menerima akses ke semua alat canggih dari Pasar Samurais, yang masing-masing akan terjual hingga 249 masing-masing, termasuk: Analisis Persaingan SEO - menganalisis kekuatan persaingan di setiap ceruk (nilai: 249) Penelitian Kata Kunci - temukan Kata kunci yang tepat untuk mengendalikan niche Anda (nilai: 176) Domain - pilih domain yang akan meningkatkan rangking Anda di search engine (nilai: 99) Monetisasi - mengubah lalu lintas menjadi uang tunai dengan iklan afiliasi instan, dipublikasikan langsung ke situs Anda (nilai: 99 ) Temukan Konten - artikel penelitian, dan temukan konten untuk dipublikasi kembali segera (nilai: 99) Publikasikan Konten - tulis, jadwalkan dan publikasikan konten langsung ke blog Anda (nilai: 99) Promosi - bangun backlink dengan otoritas tinggi ke Perbaiki peringkat situs Anda (nilai: 99) PLUS BONUS: Pembaruan Perangkat Lunak Samurai Seumur Hidup - memberi Anda akses ke alat baru dan terbaru saat mereka berevolusi (nilai: 295 per tahun) Dukungan Email Prioritas - hubungi helpdesk kami dengan pertanyaan, dan terima Sebuah respon prioritas yang dipersonalisasi (nilai: 695 per tahun) Penting: Setelah modul terakhir dilepaskan, sebaiknya menaikkan harga cukup untuk mencerminkan nilai ekstra ini. Kunci di Upgrade GRATIS Anda ke versi Platinum dari Samurai Pasar ini dan dapatkan semua update bonus ini hari ini. SEBELUM HARGA YANG TIDAK TERTENTU BANGKIT Jika Anda tidak yakin, dan ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang bagaimana Market Samurai bekerja, teruslah membaca - inilah 7 area yang Samurai Market akan membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang lebih baik dari pemasaran online Anda: Samurai Warfare - Tahap 1: Riset Kata Kunci Mengungkap Lalu Lintas Tinggi, Keuntungan Tinggi, Keyword quotGoldminesquot Secara Otomatis. Dan Tahu Tepatnya Kata Kunci yang Sasarannya Mendapatkan Return Terbaik Pada Waktu, Usaha dan Uang Anda. Ketika datang untuk membangun situs online yang menguntungkan, Holy Grail adalah mendapatkan peringkat mesin pencari yang mudah dan cepat untuk kata kunci lalu lintas tinggi yang menghasilkan penjualan. Inilah yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun bisnis online yang menguntungkan Tentunya Anda memerlukan kata kunci lalu lintas tinggi yang menghasilkan penjualan - karena ini adalah bagaimana Anda menghasilkan uang. Jelas Anda memerlukan peringkat mesin pencari - karena sebagian besar dari semua pengunjung tiba melalui mesin pencari. Dan jelas Anda perlu melihat hasil yang baik dengan cepat - karena jika Anda menginvestasikan terlalu banyak waktu, uang dan usaha untuk mendapatkan hasil di muka, akan membawa Anda lebih lama untuk mendapatkan laba atas investasi Anda yang menguntungkan. Alasan mengapa kebanyakan orang TIDAK mendapatkan hasil - mengapa mereka TIDAK membuat penjualan, mengapa DONT mendapatkan peringkat mesin telusur yang bagus, dan mengapa DONT mendapatkan lalu lintas - hanya karena pemilihan kata kunci yang buruk. Kata kunci Anda adalah roti dan mentega Anda dalam bisnis online - inilah bisnis Anda yang dibangun - dan kekuatan dan kualitas kata kunci Anda menentukan tingkat kesuksesan Anda secara online. 90 dari semua kata kunci memiliki lalu lintas yang terlalu sedikit - jadi Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan tingkat lalu lintas yang berharga 90 dari semua kata kunci memiliki terlalu banyak persaingan - jadi Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan peringkat mesin pencari yang berharga 90 dari semua kata kunci digunakan oleh terlalu banyak quotbrowsersquot dan terlalu sedikit quotbuyersquot - jadi Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan arus penjualan yang berharga Dan lebih dari 99 dari semua kata kunci akan jatuh ke dalam satu, dua atau semua dari ketiga kategori ini. Ini berarti kurang dari 1 dari semua kata kunci layak ditarget sama sekali. Menemukan kata kunci unggulan sebagai kata kunci adalah seperti memilah-milah emas, atau menyortir gandum pepatah dari sekam. QuotWow Ive meninggal dan pergi ke Internet Marketing Heavenquot Hi Guys, saya hanya harus menulis surat kepada Anda - Samurai Pasar fantastis Ini adalah perangkat lunak yang paling menakjubkan yang pernah saya lihat sejak saya memulai pemasaran Internet 4 tahun yang lalu Informasi yang diberikan tentang kata kunci saya adalah Menghemat banyak waktu PLUS adalah mengambil semua pekerjaan menebak dari pemasaran saya. Sekarang saya tahu persis kata kunci mana yang harus dipusatkan dan berapa banyak uang yang dapat saya hasilkan dari mereka. Tidak ada lagi waktu terbuang sia-sia pada kata kunci yang tidak ada dimana .. Kalian brilian sekali. Saya tidak cukup berterima kasih :-) Michelle Frost Tasmania, Australia Anggota Ujung Langsung Memilih Kata Kunci Salah Dan Anda Hilang Perang Search Engine. . Sebelum Tautan Tunggal Dibangun Anda bisa memulai dengan daftar 200 kata kunci, namun begitu Anda menyingkirkan semua kata kunci yang salah - Anda mungkin tertinggal dengan 1, mungkin 2 kata kunci berkualitas yang layak ditarget. Tapi pikirkan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengumpulkan semua informasi yang Anda perlukan untuk menganalisis 200 kata kunci individual untuk nilai komersial, persaingan dan lalu lintas, statistik vital seperti. . Jumlah pesaing SEO frase yang cocok untuk setiap kata kunci, data lalu lintas yang tepat dari statistik Googles sendiri, tingkat klik per klik dan lalu lintas AdWords yang tepat untuk posisi 1 di Adwords, dengan menghitung rasio klik-tayang berdasarkan ini. Tokoh Komersial Komersial Online (OCI) dari Microsoft untuk mengetahui apakah kata kunci tersebut adalah kata kunci quotBuyquot yang diketahui atau hanya kata kunci quotBrowsequot, menghitung nilai pasar lalu lintas, menghitung pangsa pasar maksimum yang dapat dicapai, mengumpulkan data tren sehingga Anda tahu bahwa Anda hanya melihat Lonjakan lalu lintas kata kunci baru-baru ini. Dengan mudah memakan waktu sehari - mungkin beberapa hari - untuk mendapatkan semua data ini untuk 200 kata kunci. Dan pada akhirnya, Anda tidak dapat menjamin untuk menemukan kata kunci berkualitas sama sekali Tidak mengherankan mengapa orang tidak menginvestasikan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menemukan kata kunci dengan lalu lintas tinggi, persaingan rendah, dan nilai komersial tinggi - dan kemudian menderita hasil penjualan online yang buruk. Alat Analisis Kata Kunci yang Paling Berguna yang Pernah Saya Gunakanquot Ini adalah alat analisis kata kunci yang paling berguna yang pernah saya sukai. Kesederhanaan dan kecepatan perangkat lunak ini memungkinkan peneliti yang paling hijau untuk menemukan kata kunci emas tersebut - cepat. Bisnis kami memiliki 15.000 produk dan kami bekerja keras untuk mengoptimalkan jalur utama kami untuk situs web kami. Kemampuan untuk memiliki data yang benar-benar bermakna dengan cepat ini telah mengurangi beban kerja kita sampai tingkat yang luar biasa. Peter Montague officelocal. au Samurai Pasar Mengumpulkan Data Analisis Kata Kunci yang Lebih Akurat daripada sebelumnya - Dan Melakukannya Secara Otomatis. Kecuali jika Anda baru saja menculik seorang insinyur Google teratas, mengikatnya dengan selotip dan memukuli dia dengan selang tanpa ampun sampai dia berbagi data lalu lintas pencarian yang dijaga ketat yang merupakan inti algoritma mesin pencari Google. Maka tidak mungkin Anda memiliki akses ke data kata kunci yang mendekati sama lengkap atau akurat seperti data yang diberikan oleh Market Samurai. Itu karena Samurai Pasar menyadap pusat data Google Googles untuk memberi Anda data lalu lintas, persaingan, biaya per klik, nilai, dan komersialitas terkini terkini. Sampai beberapa bulan yang lalu, data ini disimpan di bawah kunci-dan-kunci di Markas Besar Google - tidak dapat diakses oleh siapa pun di luar googles inner-sanctum. Sekarang, tersedia untuk Anda di dalam Pasar Samurai, sehingga Anda dapat: Mengungkap Kata Kunci Paling Relevan untuk Niche Anda - Dengan cepat dan secara otomatis menghasilkan kata kunci sinonim yang sangat relevan dengan menggunakan saran dari Google itu sendiri, dan kata kunci yang ada situs peringkat teratas untuk kata kunci Anda juga Peringkat untuk - memberi Anda gambaran kata kunci yang paling relevan dan lengkap untuk pasar Anda. Menerima Data Volume Pencarian Nyata dari Google - Lupakan data quotestimatesquot dan quotindicative dataquot dari sumber data kata kunci lainnya - ini adalah data lalu lintas yang nyata dan sangat akurat yang bersumber langsung dari pusat data Googles - dan milik Anda dengan dua klik mouse di dalam Pasar Samurai. Jumlah tawaran Per Klik Sebenarnya untuk tempat teratas di AdWords dari AdWords - Adwords adalah pasar untuk lalu lintas - sehingga angka yang bersedia dibayarkan seseorang untuk klik memberi tahu dengan tepat apa yang setiap pengunjung ke situs Anda berharga. Data lalu lintas dan RKT Adwords aktual dari Google - Jangan meremehkan nilai ini. Sisi-by-side Anda bisa melihat data lalu lintas pencarian Google. Dan data lalu lintas Google Adwords untuk 1 pengiklan di Adwords. Untuk pertama kalinya, Anda memiliki indikator akurat tentang rasio klik-tayang yang diharapkan - langsung dari Google sendiri Data tren penelusuran sebenarnya dari Google - Apakah kata kunci lalu lintas tinggi Anda kemungkinan akan membawa Anda arus penjualan yang konsisten Atau apakah Anda melihat musiman Lonjakan lalu lintas Data Tren Kata Kunci termasuk di dalam Pasar Samurai. Dan masih banyak lagi - Bahkan tidak mengikis permukaan pada puluhan fitur penelitian kata kunci yang tersedia di Pasar Samurai. Dengan Market Samurai, mudah untuk nol-in pada kata kunci goldmine yang mendapatkan semua lalu lintas - data diambil langsung dari sumber data kata kunci terbaik di Internet - Googles sendiri memiliki pusat data. Dan jika itu yang dilakukan Samurai Pasar, akan sangat mudah bagi Anda untuk membayar perangkat lunak penelitian kata kunci lainnya dengan fitur lebih sedikit. Atau bahkan 49,95 per bulan (599,40 per tahun), Anda akan membayar langganan layanan penelitian kata kunci dengan harga cukup rendah yang menggunakan perkiraan data kuartalanatif daripada lalu lintas sebenarnya dari Google. Tapi Keyword Research hanyalah ujung dari pedang Samurai Pasar Tentu, untuk memiliki Pasar Samurai SEKARANG Anda hanya membayar 149 - sekali off - tanpa biaya berlangganan. Tapi ini hanya SATU dari TUJUH modul Anda mendapatkan akses ke dalam Pasar Samurai. Pemberitahuan Penting: Kalahkan Harga Naik dan Kunci Di Akses Anda ke Pasar Samurai Secara Permanen Dengan membeli hari ini, Anda tidak hanya mengalahkan kenaikan harga, Anda bisa mendapatkan akses ke Pasar Samurai seumur hidup untuk satu pembayaran hanya dengan AAA PLUS - Unlock Full Version Dari Market Samurai TODAY dan menerima akses ke semua alat canggih dari Pasar Samurais, yang masing-masing akan terjual hingga 249 masing-masing, termasuk: Analisis Persaingan SEO - menganalisis kekuatan persaingan di setiap ceruk (nilai: 249) Penelitian Kata Kunci - temukan Kata kunci yang tepat untuk mengendalikan niche Anda (nilai: 176) Domain - pilih domain yang akan meningkatkan rangking Anda di search engine (nilai: 99) Monetisasi - mengubah lalu lintas menjadi uang tunai dengan iklan afiliasi instan, dipublikasikan langsung ke situs Anda (nilai: 99 ) Temukan Konten - artikel penelitian, dan temukan konten untuk dipublikasi kembali segera (nilai: 99) Publikasikan Konten - tulis, jadwalkan dan publikasikan konten langsung ke blog Anda (nilai: 99) Promosi - bangun backlink dengan otoritas tinggi ke Perbaiki peringkat situs Anda (nilai: 99) PLUS BONUS: Pembaruan Perangkat Lunak Samurai Seumur Hidup - memberi Anda akses ke alat baru dan terbaru saat mereka berevolusi (nilai: 295 per tahun) Dukungan Email Prioritas - hubungi helpdesk kami dengan pertanyaan, dan terima Sebuah respon prioritas yang dipersonalisasi (nilai: 695 per tahun) Penting: Setelah modul terakhir dilepaskan, sebaiknya menaikkan harga cukup untuk mencerminkan nilai ekstra ini. Kunci di Upgrade GRATIS Anda ke versi Platinum dari Samurai Pasar ini dan dapatkan semua update bonus ini hari ini. SEBELUM HARGA YANG TIDAK TERCANTUM BUKU Atau, baca terus untuk menemukan 6 modul lainnya yang akan Anda terima di dalam salinan Samurai Pasar Anda. Samurai Warfare - Tahap 2: Kompetisi SEO Menandai Pasar Dengan Kompetisi SEO Lemah. Storm In, Batalkan Persaingan, Rebutlah Kemenangan Kemenangan. Dan lakukan semuanya secara praktis bermalam OK, sekarang Anda sudah menghabiskan 10-15 menit menyelesaikan Keyword Research di Market Samurai (bukan beberapa jam, atau hari menggunakan alat lainnya). Dan Anda memiliki kata kunci yang menunjukkan tingkat lalu lintas yang kuat, tingkat komersial yang sehat, dan sedikit pesaing. Sekarang hanya masalah mondar-mandir, dan mengambil semua lalu lintas untuk pasar itu, benar Ada sepotong hilang dalam teka-teki ini. Tentu, kita tahu bahwa hanya ada segelintir pesaing di pasar kita - dan ini berarti lebih mungkin untuk mencapai peringkat yang cepat - tapi kita tidak tahu KEKUATAN kompetisi BUKTI: Muka Malaman dalam 24 Jam Mencari Kata Kunci yang saya gunakan Market Samurai untuk menemukan kata kunci quotPinched Nerve Painquot, dan dalam waktu 24 jam saya telah memasang lensa Squidoo, mencapai peringkat halaman depan untuk kata kunci ini (10), serta beberapa peringkat 1 untuk istilah terkait ekor yang lebih panjang. Kata kunci ini menerima 178 pencarian tampan per hari, dan pengiklan membayar 3,37 - dan sudah, dalam waktu 24 jam, Im mendapatkan bagian pengunjung saya secara gratis - Eric Gehler Twitter: bigebiz Samurai Pasar Temukan quotWeak Spotsquot Untuk Anda Untuk Eksploitasi, Jadi Anda Bisa Dapatkan Tingkatan Front-Page Untuk Kata Kunci Berharga - Lebih Cepat dari sebelumnya Sebelum Satu minggu setelah tantangan pemasaran internet yang saya bicarakan sebelumnya, 28 situs web yang dibuat adalah peringkat di halaman depan di Google untuk kata kunci utama mereka. Sebenarnya, melalui kuota mendapat thread peringkat di forum tantangan, kami melihat lusinan halaman web baru (termasuk banyak domain web baru) mencapai posisi teratas di Google dalam beberapa jam. 2 peringkat di Google setelah 2 jam, 5 peringkat setelah 2 jam, 15 peringkat setelah 30 menit, 1 dalam 16 jam, 5 setelah 5 jam 42 menit, 7 setelah 9 jam, 5 setelah 4 jam, 4 setelah 8 jam, 1 setelah 13 Jam kerja, 3 jam setelah 6 jam, 4 setelah 5 jam, 1 setelah 5 jam, 1 setelah 4,5 jam, 6 amp 7 setelah 5 hari, 3 setelah 5 hari, 6 setelah 5 hari, 3 setelah 16 jam, 3 setelah 6 jam, 1 Peringkat setelah 24 jam, 3 amp 4 setelah 2 jam (naik ke daftar ganda pada 2 amp 3 segera setelahnya), 1 dalam 12 jam, 1 semalam, 6 pada hari pertama, 4 peringkat dalam 1,5 hari, 1 amp 2 (dua Daftar untuk kata kunci yang sama) dalam 1 jam, 2 dalam 6,5 jam, 6 dalam waktu di bawah 1 hari, 1 dalam 15 jam. Ada ratusan contoh lagi, tapi menurut saya saya sudah mengerti maksud saya. Dan arent ini tidak jelas, tidak ada kata kunci lalu lintas - ini adalah kata kunci dengan 190 penelusuran atau lebih per hari Dengan Seleksi Kata Kunci Hati-hati dan Membangun Link Anda Dapat Menilai di Halaman Muka Google Jam Sementara Orang Lain Menunggu Minggu (Jika Bukan Bulan) . Just To Get Indexed Market Samurai membantu memberikan peringkat teratas pada kata kunci berharga, lebih cepat dari perkiraan sebelumnya. Heres bagaimana Market Samurai melakukannya: Analisis SEO Dalam Kedalaman Lengkap, sekilas - menunjukkan kepada Anda semua faktor kunci SEO yang mempengaruhi peringkat mesin pencari. Banyak hijau berarti quotan marketquot mudah. Banyak sekali Yellow berarti peringkat quotpotential, tapi butuh beberapa workquot. Banyak Red berarti quotDanger - menjauhlah, atau kehilangan kemeja Anda untuk mencoba di mana saja. Perhatikan sebagai Menguntungkan Mesin telusur Gapsquot yang terungkap di depan mata Anda - data yang digunakan di dalam Pasar Samurai diambil secara real-time, sesuai perintah Anda - sehingga Anda dapat secara harfiah Perhatikan sementara Market Samurai melakukan semua kerja keras dan menunjukkan kepada Anda (dalam 3 warna) tingkat persaingan yang tinggi, menengah dan rendah. Menganalisis Kualitas dari kompetisi top 1000 backlink - Jangan membuat kesalahan yang paling Pakar SEO buat - hanya karena pesaing Anda memiliki 500 backlink, itu tidak berarti rangking tidak mungkin. By analyzing the quality of backlinks (based on PageRank), you can uncover competitors who are quotfaking itquot - using lots of cheap, low quality backlinks - get some high-quality backlinks and outrank them easily Backlink Anchor Text Analysis - Everyone knows that you get a much bigger search engine ranking boost if you use your main keyword as the link text (anchor text) for backlinks to your site. So analyze the link text for your competitors top 1,000 backlinks (an impossible task without Market Samurai), see how shakey their ranking foundations are, and then use this intelligence to shake them down and take their search engine rankings And much, much more - again, were barely scratching the surface here. Market Samurai turns the mysterious art of SEO into the science of taking candy from a baby - your competitors wont know what hit them when you start outranking them so easily. Even internet marketing newbies who have never set up a web-site in their lives are achieving front-page Google rankings using Market Samurai, and getting free traffic to their site within hours. And if a newbie with no prior internet marketing experience can do it, why cant you Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish con tent straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE Samurai Warfare - Phase 3: Find Content Avoid Wasting Tedious Hours Writing Content That Will Never Achieve Rankings - And Work Smarter, Not Harder with Market Samurai Its a problem that every web-site owner faces. Youve found a great market that you want to target. and with Market Samurai, you know the top-quality, high-traffic, high-value keywords with only a handful of weak competitors in your market. and its time to build your website. It looks easy to get rankings for this one But now you need to write content. And this means spending hours researching, writing, editing and proofing an article - just so that you can have a chance at ranking for your keyword. Remember - its quotjust a chancequot - there are no guarantees that youll be successful at this point. And if you dont get a top ranking, lets face it, the time and effort that youve put into writing the article will have completely gone to waste Remember how I said that Market Samurai helps you to avoid wastage - and focus only on tasks that will give you the biggest return for your investment of time and effort Market Samurai can help you to avoid spending a single tedious hour of writing content until AFTER you KNOW FOR SURE that you can rank AT ALL. How To Exploit quotContent Authorityquot for Fast Rankings. Without Writing a Single Word of Content Market Samurais quotFind Contentquot feature helps you to find existing articles that have been published online, and measure their quotContent Authorityquot - the articles strength in search engines. There are two ways to exploit Content Authority, Use Market Samurai to cut down research time - Find HIGH quality articles with HIGH levels of content authority, take notes and use their already successful ideas as inspiration for your own unique articles, or Use Market Samurai to quotethically stealquot existing articles - By finding articles with low levels of content authority, and leveraging your sites existing authority, you can achieve easy rankings and test a market without writing a word of content Obviously this second strategy only works if you can legally republish the content - which, in many cases you can do without any problems - particularly content from article directories (like the ones that Market Samurai taps into). By finding articles with low levels of Content Authority that you can legally and ethically quotstealquot - then placing them on your web-site and giving them higher levels of Content Authority - Google sees your site as the quotAuthority Sourcequot for that article - and you will outrank even the original published version This means you can dip your toe in the water, and test dozens of niches to find the most profitable ones - in less time than it takes most people to fumble over writing content for ONE keyword. Dont gamble your time writing articles and hoping for a quotbig winquot, like some rabid Las Vegas gambler might. Getting top rankings means focusing on the areas where you can get fast, easy results - and getting rid of difficult, slow, low-value tasks. This is how you get a high return-on-investment from any activity - and why wouldnt you want a high return on investment from your SEO activities too Uncover under-promoted content, and claim it for your site - Theres a goldmine of under-promoted articles online that have low Content Authority, which can legally and ethically be quotstolenquot and republished. Using this strategy effectively will quickly fill your site with content for market testing, and allow you to get quick search engine rankings without writing a single word of content. Research Articles - Make writing your own unique content a breeze by taking already successful articles, and using their insights to repeat their success for yourself. This is incredibly valuable if you are stepping into a niche that youre new to, and want to quottalk the talkquot just like the existing pros do. Uncover RSS feeds that you can republish on your site - Googles spiders love quotspider baitquot - little morsels of constantly-changing content that they can munch on each time they visit your site. Feed Googles love of your content, and improve your rankings, publishing RSS feeds found by Market Samurai. Uncover additional sources of media content - High quality web-sites dont just rely on text - they have images, videos, documents and other media available on their site. Market Samurai plugs into YouTube, Flickr and other digital media sources to give your website the type of rich and deep content that Google loves to give high search engine rankings. And much, much more - These are just 4 features inside a resource that would easily sell for 149 on its own. Stop wasting time creating content for your website the hard way Fill your site with content the easy way with Market Samurai, and use the free time you claim back to do something profitable - or fun. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE Samurai Warfare - Phase 4: Promotion Hunt Down Easy, High Relevance, High-Quality Sources for Backlinks, and Quickly Boost Your Website Rankings Most link-building methods are hard, time-consuming, ineffective - and just plain suck You spend hours scouring the web to find a handful of places where you can submit a link to your website. You check the site content, to make sure its relevant to your niche - because the last thing that you want is to lose your search engine rankings because Google thinks youre getting links from spammy, off-topic sources. You check the code to see whether or not links are marked quotNoFollowquot - because you know that nofollow links are practically worthless from a search engine perspective. You try to leave the keyword of your page in the link, because you want keyword-relevance in the anchor text to maximise the links value. And you try to say something that will get around blog-spam, directory-spam and forum-spam filters and moderation. And at the end of all of this hard work, you might end up with two or three worthless links for an hour of your hard work Like I said - building links the old way just sucks But this is the old way - the hard way - the tedious, time-consuming, ineffective way. Market Samurai is like Taking a Gun to a Knife Fight Just got 1 YouTube rankings for 3 sets of keywords from Market Samurai, after uploading the videos less than an hour ago These werent obscure keywords either. Wow - Andrew quotNezquot Immediate Edge Member Forget About Doing Link-Building The Old Way, The Hard Way, The Ineffective Way, The Tedious or Time-Consuming Way. Lets be blunt - you need links. If you dont have backlinks, youll never achieve any high rankings in search engines - because backlinks are a critical factor in search engines ranking algorithms. But building links the old way is just plain useless. Remember how I said Market Samurai takes critical tasks, streamlines them, and makes them more effective If you hate link building, youll love Market Samurai for the time it saves you targeting just high-quality backlink sources. Market Samurai searches 17 potential backlink sources - forums, blogs, web 2.0 sites, document sites, search engines, etc - for highly relevant sources of backlinks. Then, with one click of a button, you can review the article to check the content is relevant to your niche. One more click, and you can check whether the page uses follow or nofollow links, check the PageRank of the backlink source, and find out whether the page has any backlinks of its own. Another click, and you can sort these fields from highest to lowest, and concentrate on only the pages that have the highest values. This way, you can quickly focus your time on only high-value, highly relevant backlink sources - avoid wasting time on backlinks that wont help your rankings - and get higher rankings with fewer backlinks. Plus, theres an additional quothiddenquot strategy for blog site owners. If youre using a blog, chances are youve heard about Pingbacks or Trackbacks - an automatic system that gives links back to blogs who link to you. If used correctly, and to get links from other sites, these can be very high-quality sources of highly relevant backlinks. Market Samurai automates this process for you - letting you pick the high-quality sites you want to receive backlinks for, giving you a snippet of code to copy and paste into your post, and letting your blog do the rest of the work for you. High-Quality, Highly-Relevant, High Value Links - Pingbacks are a great, low-effort, high quality source of links if you own a blog. Market Samurai makes pingbacks easy, letting you select the high-authority blogs you to target for pingbacks, and generating the code for you. Market Samurai even checks the blog to see if pingbacks are supported for you Follow or Nofollow - Without even visiting the web-page, Market Samurai will tell you whether or not links on the page use quotNoFollowquot tags. This lets you avoid building links from sources where you receive no search engine benefits. Analyze Backlink Source Pages BEFORE you Get a Link - Forget about wasting time building links on pages where you get no value. Market Samurai doesnt just check for follownofollow links, it also checks quality on-page factors such as PageRank and Backlinks to that page so that you can focus your linking efforts on only the highest quality backlink sources, and get the biggest return on your time and energy. And much, much more Even the quotpingbackquot feature by itself sells for 97 in competing software products - and this is just one of the many link-building features available to you inside Market Samurai - not to mention the features inside the other 7 Market Samurai modules Because of this, Market Samurai is a no-brainer at just 149, limited-time offer. Make sure you get your copy now. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE Samurai Warfare - Phase 5: Publish Content Publish Content: DONT Waste Time With SEO-Dumb Content Creation Tools One of the most time-consuming parts of internet marketing is search engine optimised content for your web-site. Just writing a short, simple blog post can involve up to a dozen smaller tasks - researching the topic, writing the article, HTML formatting the article for the web, inserting and uploading images, researching appropriate keyword tags, inserting the tags into the blog post, publishing the blog post, submitting the blog post through RSS directories and building links to the blog post, monitoring your results, etc, etc, etc. Most of these tasks take just a few minutes individually - but together, it can take an hour or more to publish ONE SIMPLE blog post Thats why Market Samurais Publish Content module streamlines this process - and makes it easier and faster to publish to the web and gain search engine rankings and traffic. The way Market Samurais Publish Content module does this is to bring everything together into the one interface. Research - plug into Market Samurais Find Content module to research your topic, and your articles practically write themselves. Write - a fully functional WYSIWYG editor gives you all of the tools you need to write, edit and format your article. Style - forget about HTML formatting for the web - using the Publish Content module, Market Samurai does the work for you. Add Images - insert, style and upload images from within Market Samurai - with no need for separate FTP uploads. Tag - research high traffic keyword tags inside the same Market Samurai interface, and simply copy them to your post. Publish - publish directly to your WordPress blog at the click of a button - or copy the HTML to upload anywhere else. Promote Your Content - by automatically building links and submitting your content to RSS directories using your Traffic Bug account. OR Republish Free Content Instantly - Suppliment your unique blog posts with free re-publishable from the Find Content module. Upload them instantly via the Publish Content module and save time writing. For a site that relies on fresh content, the time that the Publish Content module saves you can make a big difference. Consider how much extra traffic-generating content you could publish with the time you save - and what impact this could have on your web profits. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE Samurai Warfare - Phase 6: Monetization Monetization: Finally An Instant Make-Money Button For Your Website Dont fall into the traffic trap. All the traffic in the world is worthless - and can even COST you money - unless you have a way to turn that traffic into sales. This is how Market Samurais Monetization Module helps. Market Samurais Monetization Module helps you to turn valuable website visitors into revenue with the click of a button. Tap into the 4 major affiliate networks from inside Market Samurai - ClickBank, Amazon, Commission Junction and PayDotCom - Search for the most profitable affiliate products to promote in your niche, and compare them all on one screen - Use smart filtering tools to narrow your search and focus only on the best products - Create short-lists of the most profitable products in your online - and promote them (You can even use the smart filtering tools to find the MOST VALUABLE products to promote online before you begin keyword research - and focus on the most profitable niches) hellipBut - hang on - once Ive generated a list of products to promote. Dont I need to write ads next Writing ads by hand is hard work How To Write Sales Copy and Affiliate Ads in MinuteshellipEven If You Cant Write, Cant Sell, and Cant Create Web Pages Forget about becoming a skilled copywriter if you want to make money from your web-site. With a few clicks of the mouse, and your copy of Market Samurai, you can instantly create affiliate promotions, ads and sales letters and publish them directly to your web-site - even if youre the worlds worst sales copy writer. Market Samurais copywriting tools act like world-class copywriter, scouring a web pages for snippets of relevant information about a product. Then, it gives those chunks to you in a format that you can drag, drop and tweak into your own promotion for that product. This means it only takes minutes to craft and publish a relevant affiliate ad - and you can start earning commissions on sales immediately. Search inside Market Samurai for the best products to promote, or add any product you choose Drag-and-drop compelling headlines, bullets and text to create an ad that sells - in just minutes (not hours) Tweak your ad - format it, style it, and edit it to make it your own Add images and buttons by dragging and dropping them in - and attract even more attention for your promotions Insert click-tracking into your ad to track your results, and Upload instantly onto your blog (as a post or a site-wide sidebar ad) with the click of a button Together, these tasks mean a single affiliate promotion might take several hours to complete. But with Market Samurai, you can do the same job in a matter of minutes. Its never been easier or faster to write sales copy that sells. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE How Would You Do Internet Marketing WITHOUT Market Samurai Chances are youve already done at least some internet marketing - and youve done it without Market Samurai. Do you remember what it looked like, what it felt like, how much effort you had to go to if you wanted to get good results from your web-sites Remember how long keyword research used to take How much time youd spend analyzing keywords How hard it was to find the right keywords - it was all guesswork - and you were never quite sure if youd picked the right ones Youll certainly remember how much time and effort youd waste working to optimize around keywords that you never ranked for And how long it would take to analyze your SEO Competitors to find out why they were ranking well - and what you could do to beat them Remember trying to think of lists of keywords off the top of your head - for tagging, meta keywords tags, or even to optimize pages around (That was before you had Market Samurai to tell you the keywords Google already recognized as the best ones) Remember how many tools you would use for keyword research SEO - and how your research was always scattered all over the place Reme mber just how hard it was to get good results from all of your time, effort and hard work Let this sink in for a moment. Notice the difference in your internet marketing when youre using Market Samurai Now that Market Samurai can do many of the same tasks for you in minutes - not hours - the thought of doing it the old way sucks These are the necessary internet marketing tasks - tasks that every online business owner needs to do regularly With Market Samurai, you do it all. . with less effort than ever before . with better results than ever before . and, in less time than ever before Unless Youre Superman, You Cant Possibly Match Market Samurai On Your Own. If you wanted the same level of in-depth keyword analysis that Market Samurai provides, it would take you days - because Market Samurai gathers data from up-to 20,863 web-pages for every individual keyword you add If you wanted the same level of in-depth SEO analysis that Market Samurai provides, it would take you weeks - because Market Samurai gathers data from up-to 46,106 pages for every SEO analysis that you complete But just to get a BASIC level of analysis done for both of these - it would take you most of a day. Market Samurai can do a better job gathering all of the data you need - and it will do it in a matter of minutes Dont Waste Your Time Getting Less, While Spending More Take a moment to consider all of the wasted hours, and all the wasted energy that you get back with Market Samurai What will you do with all the time and effort you save, with Market Samurai All of those wasted hours - doing the research, analysis and implementation that you could have completed in a few minutes with Market Samurai - it all comes at a cost. It costs you time doing other things What Will You Do With All The Time And Effort You Save, With Market Samurai Wouldnt you prefer to put that time into making money building new niche businesses Perhaps you would prefer to optimize your existing marketing campaigns Or even just enjoying more free time to do the things you want to do Because in internet marketing, time is your most precious resource As youre starting to see, Market Samurai is a huge time-saver that helps you to do internet marketing better, faster, and with less effort. And obviously, this is something that any serious internet marketer would want At the right price. So what does Market Samurai cost The fact that youre still reading this page means that you want to keep Market Samurai - but perhaps youre worried about what well charge for it Well, in a moment youre going to breathe a big sigh of relief With Market Samurai, you do it all. . with less effort than ever before . with better results than ever before . and, in less time than ever before Thats Right - Market Samurai Isnt Just Better than Other Marketing Tools. Its also Cheaper than Other Internet Marketing Tools too If youre thinking that, with all its extra features, Market Samurai will cost more than competitors products - products that only do a fraction of what Market Samurai does - think again Forget paying 295-1,040 annual subscriptions to keyword research services that only give you some of the data Market Samurai does - and none of them give you actual Google keyword traffic data. Forget paying for other keyword research software, with prices between 187 and 299 - when none of them give you the depth of analysis Market Samurai does - and none of them give you actual Google keyword traffic data. Forget about adding separate SEO analysis software priced at 87-267, and forget about buying several link building tools for between 105-167 a piece - and none of them tell you as much about why the top 10 sites in Google rank so well. The revolution is here - the game has changed. Forget About Paying Premium Prices for Second-Best Marketing Tools. We created world-best internet marketing software package - and were going to give it a world-best price. The full version of Market Samurai is just 149 - and at this price, its a bargain. Thats 149 - one-time-only . No Hidden Fees or Costly Monthly Subscription Costs No Paying 500 To Get All This Functionality Make no mistake - if you wanted a suite of marketing software tools that did what Market Samurai does - you could expect to pay 500 or more for a full set of marketing solutions - PLUS monthly subscription costs on top of that for updates, support and maintenance. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE quotA Required Resource. Swift, Sharp, and Deadly Accuratequot An elegant, graceful, and powerful weapon - much like the fabled swords of the ancient warriors for which it is named. Swift, sharp, and deadly accurate, Market Samurai is a required resource for anyone who markets online . If you dont have this weapon in your arsenal. you will be vanquished by those who do. Ray Edwards quotCopywriter to the Marketing Starsquot RayEdwards Market Samurai is Fantastic for Adwords Market Samurai is The Tool. Not only is it cutting out hours of work, but its actually saving me money on my Adwords campaigns by zeroing in on the money makers. Thanks you guys This tool is awesome quotA Breath of Fresh Air for Mac Usersquot When it comes to keyword research tools I have used them all, and I have to say, I really like what you have done with Market Samurai. Im a Mac nerd, so it was a breath of fresh air to see a cross OS compatible product. Im sure Mr. Dale is as happy as me about that one :) The interface is intuitive, clean and easy to navigate . its not bloated with quotstuffquot It does what its made to do, which is more than can be said for some other products. The bottom line, the product works and Im sure will become a very valuable keyword analysis tool for many people, including myself. Looking forward to future upgrades etc. Did I Mention That Market Samurai Works on both Windows PCs and Macs Market Samurai is one of a small handful of internet marketing software packages that run natively on both Apple Macs and the Microsoft Windows platform. If youre a Mac user you can breathe a sigh of relief. Forget paying hundreds of dollars for memory-sucking PC-emulation software like Parallels or VM Ware Fusion, In just a few clicks, you will have downloaded Market Samurai and will be running it on your Mac as a native application Now, youre faced with a choice. You can Register Market Samurai, and leverage the unfair advantage it gives you over 99 of other internet marketers. and save hundreds of dollars compared with purchasing other tools which arent integrated and which wont do everthing that Market Samurai will do for you. Or you choose continue doing it the hard way - the old way - the time-consuming way - the expensive way. Its not a hard decision. Weve created world-beating internet marketing software package - and given it a world-beating price. Now its your turn to lock in your competitive advantage and Register your copy. Remember: Unlike Other Products, This Is A One-Time Payment NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION COSTS - NO PRICE-TAGS OF 500. Whats More, Theres A 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee : Worst case scenario, you buy Market Samurai, continue using it for another 30 days, decide its not for you and receive a refund. Weve Made This A No-Risk, No-Brainer Offer. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE Quickly Zero-in on your Target Niche, Eliminating Hours of Tedious Work. I have used several keyword tools over the last few years that are supposed to help you find niches. None of them have lived up to their own promises - that is until now. Market Samurai is an amazing piece of software that will help greatly with finding niches for you. You can quickly zero in on a target niche, eliminating hours of tedious work. Time is a precious commodity for internet marketers and Market Samurai saves you a bundle of time when doing keyword research. Closing Thoughts By now, youve seen how Market Samurai helps you to avoid violating the 4 Unbreakable Golden rules of snapping up profitable, high-traffic search engine rankingshellip hellipAnd helps PROTECT YOU from the Search Engine plague that strikes 99 of other internet marketers who fail to respect the unforgiving 4 Golden Rules. The 99 of other internet marketers who are doomed to continue to TRY every single day to profit-producing search engine rankingshellip and outright FAIL Now is the time secure your own copy of this amazing tool before you pay the full 149 There is no better time to join thousands of other Market Samurai-armed marketers who possess the arsenal required to pick golden pay dirt keywords. Now is the time secure your own copy of this amazing tool before you pay an extra 50, 100, or even 500 more later (as we add the different modules naturally the price will increase - but will be free if you lock in your Market Samurai investment TODAY) And Remember: If You Dont Register Your Trial Copy Of Market Samurai, 87.5 Of Its Functionality Will Be Stripped From You In Just a Few Short Days. Noble Samurai Team - Creators of Market Samurai P. S. - Already, more than 200,000 smart marketers newbies and pros alike are storming into profitable new markets, obliterating the competition and seizing the spoils of victoryhellipwhile youre reading this web page Dont sit on the sidelines during the search engine land grab, watching market samurai users clean up. Important Notice: Beat the Price Rise AND Lock In Your Access to Market Samurai Permanently By purchasing today, not only are you beating the price rise, youre getting access to Market Samurai for life for a single payment of just 149 PLUS - Unlock the Full Version of Market Samurai TODAY and receive access to all of Market Samurais advanced tools, which individually would sell for up-to 249 each, including: SEO Competition Analysis - analyse the strength of competition in any niche (value: 249) Keyword Research - find the right keywords to control your niche (value: 176) Domains - choose a domain that will boost your rankings in the search engines (value: 99) Monetization - turn traffic into cash with instant affiliate ads, published straight to your site (value: 99) Find Content - research articles, and find content to republish immediately (value: 99) Publish Content - write, schedule and publish content straight to your blog (value: 99) Promotion - build high-authority backlinks to improve your site rankings (value: 99) PLUS BONUS: Lifetime Market Samurai Software Updates - giving you access to our new and updated tools as they evolve (value: 295 per year) Priority Email Support - contact our helpdesk with any questions, and receive a personalised priority response (value: 695 per year) Important: Once the final module has been released well be raising the price considerably to reflect this extra value. Lock in your FREE Upgrade to this Platinum version of Market Samurai and get all these bonus updates TODAY. BEFORE THE INEVITABLE PRICE RISE You Dont Risk A Penny: Remember, our 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee . Worst case scenario, you buy Market Samurai, continue using it for another 30 Days, decide its not for you, and receive a full refund - this means there is absolutely no risk to your investment. (But there IS endless risk in going into SEO battle without this essential tool, breaking the 4 Golden rules and failing at SEO, and watching DEFENSELESS from the sidelines while thousands of Market Samurai-armed marketers storm into markets - most likely yours - and carve up the spoils of Search Engine victory amongst themselves) Stand up for Yourself Join the Conquering Samurai Hordes Arm Yourself With Market Samurai TODAY Please Wait. Real-World Education for Modern Marketers Market Research - Marketing Resources Broadcast on Mar 5, 2015 with Sean Campbell In this PRO seminar, well cover strategies and tactics you can use to go beyond the voice of customer (VOC) research and move into voice of the competitor (VOTC) research. Well explain how to tap into the digital world to not only identify your competitors customers and influencers, but uncover the messages theyre sending, as well as share proven best practices to help bring your marketing in line with the world around you. Youll leave this seminar armed with tools and techniques that can provide both quantitative and qualitative measures of competitor voice. more Broadcast on Jan 23, 2014 with Jeffrey Hayzlett This PRO seminar, taught by Jeffrey Hayzlett, will reveal how to run and drive change through marketing and business, from getting ready to creating and sustaining momentum. more Broadcast on Jun 21, 2012 with Tim Riesterer Discover how to develop content marketing messages that help your salespeople close the deal and convince prospects to choose you. more Broadcast on May 17, 2012 with Eshwar Belani Learn how to dramatically improve the effectiveness, reach, and ROI of your Facebook campaigns and how to use ad targeting and optimization tools outside of Facebook to create, launch, and test thousands of ads targeted at just as many (if not more) micro-segments. more Broadcast on Apr 19, 2012 with Clay Shirky In this seminar, Clay Shirky will show you how to tap into your customers cognitive surplus by providing a platform for customer collaborationmdashand how this collaboration can turn into big positive results for your business. Plus youll discover how you, as a marketer, can become more valuable to your company through the insights you gain by fostering this collaboration. more Broadcast on Mar 8, 2012 with Sandy Carter In this seminar, Sandy Carter of IBM will share how you can create your own social business agenda for greater competitive advantage. Youll discover how to use social tools to create new opportunities for growth, innovation and productivity across the business networkmdashemployees, customers and partners. more Broadcast on May 19, 2011 with Sean Campbell, Scott Swigart Sean Campbell and Scott Swigart explain how you can obtain clear and correct competitive insights (on a moments notice)mdashand then use that information to strengthen to your marketing and business plans, and accelerate sales growth. more Broadcast on Apr 28, 2011 with Jennifer Cisney Join us for this PRO seminar with Jennifer Cisney, Kodaks chief blogger, and learn the keys to blogging success. Based on best practices learned firsthand at Kodakmdashan early-adopter of social media, which launched its first brand blog in 2006mdashshell cover how blogging and social media tactics can inform product improvements and brand experiences through real consumer interactions. more Broadcast on Apr 7, 2011 with Steve Rubel As the kick off of MarketingProfs University Social Media Marketing Fast Track, Edelman Digitals Steve Rubel and David Armano will share 11 digital trends to watch in 2011. Learn about these trends and their broader implications, and how you can use this information to design and modify effective marketing strategies for your organization. more Broadcast on Mar 10, 2011 with Christine B. Whittemore This seminar will highlight best practices and strategies for managing your reputation in a social world. Youll learn guidelines on how to make the most out of conversations with customers. more Broadcast on Aug 5, 2010 with Bill Alberti Learn how to frame market research in terms of profitable impact. Youll discover how to establish the connection between using research to understand your customers and improved business performance. more Broadcast on Jul 12, 2007 with Blaire Borthayre The Hispanic population has become a powerful economic force in the United States. These 43 million consumers now command enough buying power to make companies sit up and pay attention. But in this booming market, its easy to be misled by the varied demographic information (and the lack of a conceptual framework) available to marketers. We will bring statistics to life in this online seminar, showing you how to pull together data thats relevant to your marketing goals. more Broadcast on Jun 22, 2007 with Michael Goodman The amount you spend on market research isnt the most important consideration. The key is asking the right high-gain questions and knowing what to do with the answers. This seminar will cover not only the various options for market research, but also six do-it-yourself approaches that can yield better results than studies costing thousands of dollars. And the turn-around time is often a fraction of what a major project would involve. more Broadcast on Jul 25, 2006 with Kelly Goto Veteran Usability expert Kelly Goto takes you through the basics of informal usability testingmdashdemystifying it in the process. Learn about rapid testing techniques that enable you to ramp up, execute and implement results in just a week. more Broadcast on Jun 1, 2006 with Carey Azzara This seminar will discuss the best practices for conducting online research. You will discover what must be considered when building a research sample, crafting a questionnaire, and fielding the study. more Broadcast on May 11, 2006 with Robert Kaden Robert Kaden, author of Guerrilla Marketing Research, presents tools to develop action-oriented research and guidelines for stretching your research budget. more Broadcast on Sep 15, 2004 with Stephan M. Spencer, Nancy Blachman Learn how you can become a Google expert searcher and extract invaluable data about your competitors and about the market like never before -- with laser-like accuracy and extreme efficiency. more Market Research marketing guides and reports for the busy professional Marketing automation can have a big impact on your sales and marketing efforts. Learn the ins and outs of marketing automation capabilities, how to make the best use of them, and resources for selecting the best system for you with MarketingProfs Marketing Automation Management: Basics and Best Practices guide. A successful Twitter program requires extensive research on whether your audience is there, what everyone is interested in, and what theyre doing. Lucky for you, MarketingProfs has done the work for Research Spotlight: Twitter. Download it now to access close to 70 pages of Twitter research from 30 unique sources. Research Spotlight: Facebook helps you focus on the most popular social network today. Get the research insights you need to create successful Facebook campaigns. Learn whos on Facebook, what theyre doing, and how best to reach them. Feel like the digital marketing race began without you Dont worryyou can still catch up to the social media superstars. The Slowpokes Guide to Digital Marketing puts rocket fuel in your engine to propel your digital marketing campaigns. LinkedIn is used by 55 million professionals as a place to network, trade advice, and demonstrate business expertise. See how 11 companies, including PR firms, advertising agencies, and software companies, are using LinkedIn to show expertise, generate leads, and conduct research. Engaging your customers can help increase satisfaction, loyalty, and brand awareness. This research report will help you understand the role of customers in product development. Get the truth about B2B marketing in a tough economy from people who know the business bestB2B marketers themselves. Our special report, B2B Marketing in 2009, provides the most current research on trends in strategies and spending, and how they affect your business. These economic times have everyone concerned and asking, How does this effect marketing. Well we surveyed our very own members to help give marketers a sense of how others are dealing and adapting to these tough times. This 150-page Email Benchmark Report 2008 was developed by surveying our very own MarketingProfs members. Find out what the competition is doing so your 2009 email marketing budget makes sense Research on how Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 can be used in effective Lead Generation campaigns Need to learn about your customers without the big price tag of market research firms This guide on do-it-yourself market research will help you get the information you need to position your business without emptying the corporate coffers. Lets face it, more small businesses fail than succeed. Make sure yours is one of the winners with this guide to getting your small business off the ground and solidly on the road to success. This comprehensive, step-by-step how-to guide will help you assess the position in the market of your product or firm, by identifying the products Strengths and Weaknesses, by considering the potential Opportunities the product has in the marketingplace, and by assessing the potential Threats posed by either the competition or the marketplace. Set clear objectives and a realistic scope to online research projects. These are just two of the steps that this comprehensive, step-by-step planning guide will help you to accomplish to insure your online research results in the most relevant and useful information possible. Link directly to the raw (aggregate) data in this 2006 survey of the ways companies are incorporating the voice of the customer into their marketing, their product development, and their management. With access to the raw data, you can view the results, and even filter them to see how a subset of companies in your country or industry answered. In this way, you can interpret the data in the most meaningful way for your business. Link directly to the raw (aggregate) data in this 2006 survey of the ways companies are targeting their marketing efforts, and adjusting their business processes, for the lucrative Spanish-speaking segment. With access to the raw data, you can view the results, and even filter them to see how a subset of companies in your country or industry answered. In this way, you can interpret the data in the most meaningful way for your business. A thorough competitive analysis is a critical component of a solid marketing plan. It is an exercise that will provide you with valuable insights to guide the development of your business strategy. This 20-page template will make the project quick and easy, and you can end up with a leg up on your compeition. This in-depth handbook will walk you through the ins and outs of using Google as a powerful resource for market research. In 27 easy-to-follow pages with a dozen screen shots, this PDF is a handy tool you will want to print and keep nearby as you learn to incorporate the new techniques into your search routines. In January 2005, MathMarketing and MarketingProfs obtained the views of marketing professionals from around the world about the alignment between Sales and Marketing. With 1390 detailed responses from businesses headquartered in 84 countries, we have a solid base of considered opinion. 32 of businesses see the alignment between Sales and Marketing as a top three priority for the year ahead. This report has been prepared to shed light on why, and what these businesses are doing about it. MarketingProfs uses single sign-on with Facebook, Twitter, Google and others to make subscribing and signing in easier for you. Thats it, and nothing more Rest assured that MarketingProfs . bull will not provide your social data to 3rd parties bull will not contact friends on your network bull will not post messages on your behalf bull will not interact with your social accounts Your data is secure with MarketingProfs SocialSafe. Whats new on MarketingProfs

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