1. Muat Dana: Ada beban front-end atau back-end, ditentukan oleh prospektus. 2. Dana Tanpa Beban: Ada komisi 21,95 untuk membeli atau menjual. 3. FundVest reg No-Transaction-Fee Funds. Banteng Tidak ada komisaris untuk membeli. Tidak ada komisaris yang menjual, asalkan saham tersebut diadakan paling tidak enam bulan, jika tidak ada 50 biaya pelunasan jangka pendek yang mungkin berlaku. Banteng Lebih dari 5000 tidak ada beban amp load dana yang tersedia. Downloadview FundVest List sebagai spreadsheet XLS atau PDF. (Update terakhir 08222016). Daftar banteng mencakup dana kelas Institutional Retail (Focus) amp. Dana kelembagaan dapat dibeli oleh individu, seringkali dengan minimum yang dikurangi. Anda tidak harus menjadi institusi untuk membeli saham kelas institusional melalui Trading Direct. Catatan: Investor harus mempertimbangkan tujuan investasi, risiko, biaya dan biaya perusahaan investasi dengan hati-hati sebelum melakukan investasi. Untuk mengetahui hal ini atau informasi lainnya tentang reksa dana tertentu, mohon mengajukan prospektus dari perusahaan dana atau Trading Direct, untuk membaca secara seksama sebelum melakukan pemesanan. Ribuan reksa dana open-end, dari lebih 500 keluarga, tersedia melalui Trading Direct, sebuah div. Dari York Securities, Inc. (Daftar ditampilkan di bawah). Reksa Dana Keluarga tersedia untuk pembelian pada 08222016: lembu 13D Aktivis Dana banteng 1919 Dana (dahulu Legg Mason Investment Counsel) bull 360 Dana (IMS Capital Management) bull 361 Bulls dana AAM (Advisors Asset Management) Reksa Dana bull Aberdeen Funds bull Absolute Funds (Dana Forum) bull Dana Acadian (Advisors Inner Circle) banteng Dana Dinamis ACM (Manajemen Modal Ascendant) banteng Adams Harkness (Dana Forum) banteng Dana Alokasi Adaptif banteng Adirondack Dana banteng Penasihat Pemberian bull bull bull lingkaran kecil Penasihat Dana Investasi bull Affinity Small Cap bull Strategi Aftershock banteng AI Funds Trust (American Indepedence Risk X) bull Akre Focus Fund bull Al Frank Dana bull All Terrain Opportunity bull Alpha Capital bull AlphaCentric Funds bull AlphaMark Investment Trust bull AlphaOne Micro Cap (Advisors Inner Circle) bull Alpine ACR Multi Strategy bull Altegris Keluarga Reksa Dana banteng Dana Amana (Saturna) banteng dana AMCAP bull AmericaFirst Funds bull Amerika Beacon Funds bull American Century Investments bull Dana Amerika bull American Independence Funds Trust (Risiko X) bull American Trust Allegiance Fund bull Dana AMG bull Anchor Alternative Income Fund bull Anfield Dana Pendapatan Tetap Universal bull Angel Oak Dana bull Apex Funds bull APEXcm Funds bull API Funds Bull Appleseed Funds bull Arbitrage Funds, Banteng Ariel Dana banteng Dana Aristoteles bull Armor Alternative Income (Granit Harbour) bull Arrow Dana bull Dana Artio (Aberdeen) banteng Ascendant Funds bull Aston Dana banteng Astor Funds bull Athena Value (Penasihat Dana Princeton) banteng Aurora Manajemen Investasi Horizon banteng Auxier Asset Management AAM (Dana Forum) bull Avatar Dana bull Ave Maria Reksa Dana bull B. Riley Diversity Equity Kelembagaan (World Funds) bull Babson Capital Management bull Baird Funds (RW Baird Funds) Bull Balter Liquid Alternatives (Balter Discretnry Investments) bull Bandon fund (Dana Benteng) bull Baron Funds bull Barrow All-Cap LongShort Dana banteng BBH (Brown Brothers Harriman) Reksa Dana bull Dana Penggajian BDC (Dana Forum) bull Beck Mack amp Dana Oliver (Dana Forum) banteng Becker Funds (Portofolio yang Dikelola secara Profesional) banteng Beech Hill Total Return bull Dana BeeHive (Dana Forum) banteng Dana Belvedere banteng Bernzott Nilai Kecil Kecil AS Bull Berwyn Dana Bull Big 4 Onefund (Dana Perwalian Dunia) bull Biondo Funds Bull BNY Mellon Funds bull Blair (William Blair) Dana bull Blue Current Funds bull BMO (Bank of Montreal) Dana bull Bogle Manajemen Investasi Pertumbuhan Cap Kecil bull Bond Fund of America bull BPV Dana bull Bradesco Amerika Latin Funds (Fundvantage Trust) bull Brandes Funds Bull Brandywine Funds bull Braver Tactical Opportunity bull Breithorn LongShort bull Bridgehampton Value Strategies bull Bridgeway Dana bull Broadview Funds bull Brown Advisory Funds bul L Brown Capital Funds bull BTS Dana banteng Buffalo Dana banteng Burnham Dana banteng C Dana Dinamika Taktis (Penasihat Modal) bull Cadence Funds bull Calamos Dana banteng Calvert Funds bull CAM Pasar yang Luas Pendapatan Strategis bull Cambriar Funds (Advisors Inner Circle) banteng Camelot Funds bull Cane Strategi Alternatif bull CAN SLIM Pilih Pertumbuhan (NorthCoast Asset Mgmt) bull Capital Advisors Growth Fund bull Capital Income Builder bull Capital Management Group (CMG) Dana bull Capital World bull Capstone Series Fund (Capstone Asset-Steward) bull Carne Capital Funds (Dana Forum) Bull Castle Focus Fund (Dana PFS) bull Catalyst Funds bull Causeway Dana bull CBRE Clarion (Advisors Inner Circle) bull Dana CCA bull bull Cedar Ridge Dana Kredit yang Tidak Terikat Bull Centre Funds bull Mitra Investasi Champlain (Penasihat Inner Circle II) bull Charles Schwab Dana banteng Chartwell Nilai Cap Kecil Bull Chase Funds (Chase Investment Council Corp) banteng Chesapeake Funds bull Chicago Equity Partners bull Ci Ncinnati Asset Management (CAM) Broad Market bull Clipper Funds (bagian dari Dana Davis) bull CLS Investments (AdvisorOne) bull CM Advisors bull Dana CMG (Group Manajemen Modal) bull CNI (City Nationale) Rochdale Dana bull Collins Funds bull Perdagangan Funds bull Persemakmuran Funds bull Compass EMP Funds bull Konduktor Global Funds bull Conestoga bull Congress Manajemen Aset Reksa Dana bull Consilium Emerging Market bull Konvergensi Mitra Investasi Reksa Dana bull Cook amp Bynum bull Copeland Dana bull Counterpoint Reksa Dana bull Covered Bridge Funds, Bull Cozad Small Cap Value Funds Bull CRA Funds (Reinvestasi Kebijakan Masyarakat) bull Crawford Reksa Dana (Crawford Investment Council) bull Credit Suisse Asset Management Dana AS bull CRM Funds bull Crow Point Hedged Ekuitas Global bull Cullen Funds bull Cutler Trust bull Dana Reksa Dana CVR (Dana Forum) bull CWC Small Cap Nilai Agresif banteng Dana Dana banteng Dana Davenport (Williamsburg Investment Trust) banteng Davis Fu Nds bull Hari Hagan Dana banteng Delaware Investments (Macquarie Group) bull Destra Dana banteng DF Dent (Dana Forum) bull Dana DGHM (Dana Perwalian Dunia) bull Diamond Hill Capital Management bull Investasi Direksion Reksa Dana bull Discretionary Managed Futures bull Diversified Risk bull Dodge Amp Cox Dana banteng Domini Banteng sosial Buller Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bulls Bull Bulls Bulls Bulls Funds bull Eagle MLP Stategy bull EAS Crow PointGenesis Alternatives bull Eaton Vance bull Edgewood Funds (Advisors Inner Circle) bull Nilai EIC ( Fundvantage Trust) bull Elessar Dana bull Emerald Reksa Dana bull Empiric Funds bull EP Funds bull Epiphany Funds bull Equinox MutualHedge Futures Strategy bull Essex SmallMicro Cap Growth Funds bull Dana EuroPac bull EuroPacific Growth Fund bull European Equity Fund (The World Funds Trust) bull Even Keel Dana banteng Eventide Funds bull Melebihi Structured Shield (Dana Forum) bull Falcon Focus bull FA Investor Fundamental (Dana Hutan) Bull Firsthand Funds bull First Trust Funds bull Flippin, Bruce amp Porter (FBP) Dana bull FMI Funds Bull Footprints Temukan Nilai bull Forester Capital Management bull Fortress Funds (Bandon Funds) bull Fortunatus Protactical Funds bull Forum Dana bull Forward Funds bull FPA Funds bull FQ Funds bull Franklin Templeton Dana banteng Franklin Templeton Dana Offshore bull Frontier Funds bull Keluarga Reksa Dana Frost (Advisors Inner Circle II) bull Fundamental Investors bull FundVantage Dana Perwalian bull FundX Dana bull FX Strategy Fund, Bull Gabelli Funds bull Galapagos Partners bull GAMCO Investors (Gabelli) bull GaveKal Knowledge Leaders bull Penasihat Dana Jenewa bull Gerstein Fisher Funds bull GinkGo Multi-Strategy Funds Banteng Giralda Risiko Dikelola Pertumbuhan banteng GL Kinerja Macro Bull Glenmede Portofolio banteng Gol Den Capital Management (Dana Forum) banteng Good Harbour Funds bull Gotham Funds (Fundvantage Trust) bull Grandeur Peak Funds bull Granite Harbour Funds bull Grant Park Dana bull Graty International Growth Fund bull Green Century bull Greenspring Fund (IndexIQ) bull Growth Fund of America bull Guggenheim Investments bull GuideStone Funds bull Guinness Atkinson Dana bull GWampK Manajemen Investasi banteng Hamlin Dividen Tinggi (Penasihat Inner Circle) banteng Hancock Horizon Funds (Pembimbing Inner Circle II) banteng Hanlon Dana banteng Bullberger International Series Bull Harbor Funds (Dana Shenkman) banteng Dana Harding Loevner Untuk Investor AS banteng Dana Dana Dana Panen Hartford (Advisors Inner Circle) Bull Hatteras Alternative Funds bull Pertumbuhan Kualitas Haverford (Penasehat Inner Circle) bull HCM (Howard Capital Management) Dana banteng Heartland Funds bull Henderson Global Funds bull Hennessy Funds bull Highland Funds bull HM Payson Total Return (Dana Forum) banteng Hodges Reksa Dana banteng Homestead Dana banteng Horizon Active Funds (AdvisorOne) bull Horizon Kinetics Funds bull Hotchkis amp Wiley bull Dana Investor HSBC bull Dana Huber bull Hussman Dana bull Icon Funds bull Iman Fund (Investor Sekutu) bull IMS Capital Management (360 Funds) bull Income Fund of America Bull IndexIQ Dana bull Inflasi Hedges Strategi bull ING Investments (Lihat Voya) bull Innealta Captial Funds bull Integrity Viking Funds bull Intermediate Bond Fund of America bull Pertumbuhan Internasional dan Dana Pendapatan bull Intrepid Capital Funds bull Invesco AIM Funds bull Investment Company of America bull Investment House Dana, Bull Investment Managers Series Trust (IMST) bull Investasi Mitra Peluang bull Iron Horse Fund bull Iron Trout yang Dikelola Risiko banteng Dana Issachar, Bull Ivy Funds (Waddell amp Reed) bull Jacob Funds bull JAG Pertumbuhan Cap Pertumbuhan Besar James Alpha Funds (Saratoga Dana) banteng Janus Dana banteng Jensen Dana banteng John Hancock Dana banteng JP Morgan Dana banteng Jubak Global Equity b Ull Kaizen Hedged bull KCM Macro Trend bull Keeley Dana bull Kellner Capital Funds bull KF Griffin (KFG) bull Kinetics Reksa Dana (Horizon) bull Kopernik Global (Advisors Inner Circle II) bull Larkin Point Equity Pelestarian Dana bull Lateef Fund (Fundvantage Trust) bull Dana Laudus Fund (Schwab) Bull Lazard Asset Management Buka Dana Akhir bull LKCM Dana bull Leader Capital Fixed Income Funds bull Leadsman Capital bull Dana Leland (dahulu Good Harbour Funds) bull Leuthold Funds (Rafferty Capital Markets) bull Lifetime Achievement Fund bull Limited Term Tax - Ex Bond Fund of America banteng Linde Hansen Nilai tukar banteng Litman Gregory Masters (Dana Kelas Institusional) bull LJM Pelestarian amp Growth Funds bull LMCG Global Institutional (Dana Forum) bull LoCorr Dana bull LongBoard dana bull LongLeaf Partners Dana bull Loomis Sayles bull Lord Abbett bull LS Theta banteng LSV Reksa Dana (Penasihat Inner Circle) banteng Liris Dana AS banteng Madison Dana bull andalan Investasi b Ull Mairs amp Power Funds bull Makefield Managed Futures Strategy bull Managers Funds bull Manning amp Napier bull Marathon Nilai Portofolio bull Mariner Managed Futures Strategy bull Marsico Funds bull Matrix Advisors Value Fund, Inc. bull Matthew 25 Fund bull Matthews Asia Funds bull MD Sass bull Meeder Dana banteng Merger Funds bull Dana Meridian Dana Dana (Dana Forum) bull Metropolitan Met West Funds bull Dana MFS banteng Midas Dana bull Milestone Treasury Obligations (AdvisorOne) bull Miller Convertible Funds (Penasihat Investasi Wellesley) bull Monetta Trust Reksa Dana bull Monongahela Capital Management (Dana Forum) bull Dana Teknologi Modern (Dana Belvedere) bull Monte Chesapeake Funds (Mariner Hyman) Bull Motley Fool Funds bull Gunung Lucas US (Fundvantage Trust) bull Muhlenkamp Fund bull Munder Funds bull Mundoval Funds bull Reksa Dana Seri Trust bull Mutual Series Funds (Franklin Templeton) bull MutualHedge Equinox Futures Strategy bull Nationwide Funds bull Nat Ixis Funds bull Navigator Dana bull New Economy Fund bull Newfound Funds bull New Perspective Fund bull New World Fund bull Nicholas Funds bull Nile Capital Investor Trust bull North Star Funds bull Northern Funds (Northern Trust) bull Northern Lights Fund Trust bull Northern Lights Fund Trust II Bull Northern Lights Fund Trust III bull Northern Lights Reksa Dana Seri Trust bull Lampu Utara Dua Jalan Bersama Kepercayaan banteng NorthPointe Capital (Pembimbing Inner Circle Fund III) bull Nuance Investments Reksa Dana bull Nuveen Investments bull Oak Ridge Dana bull Oakmark Funds bull OakTree Funds bull Oakseed Peluang bull bull OCM Gold Funds bull Dana Olstein bull Optimum Funds (Delaware Investements) bull Orchard Small Cap Value bull Orinda Reksa Dana bull OShaughnessy Asset Management bull Osterweis Capital Management bull Dana Keuangan Pasifik bull Palmer Square bull Panther Dana Cap Kecil bull Paradigm Funds bull Parnassus Investments Banteng Dana Patriot bull Pax World Funds bu Ll Payden amp Rygel: Reksa Dana Rebound Payden bull Payson Total Return (Dana Forum) bull PCS Strategi Komoditi bull Pear Tree Dana bull Penn Capital Funds bull Perimeter Small Cap Opportunities bull Perimeter Small Cap Growth bull Perkins Discovery (The World Funds Trust) bull Permanent Portfolio Bull Perritt Capital Management bull Persimmon LongShort bull PFS Funds - Castle Focus Fund bull PIA (Penasihat Investasi Pasifik) bull PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Co) bull Pinnacle Tactical Allocation bull Plumb Funds (Wisconsin Capital) bull Nilai Global Polaris (Dana Forum) bull Polen Dana (Fundvantage) bull Dana Dana Hutan Poplar bull Portofolio 21 Dana Ekuitas Global bull Power Income atau Dividen Dana bull Praxis Funds (MMA Praxis) bull Price, T Rowe bull PRIMECAP Odyssey Funds bull Penasihat Dana Princeton (Nilai Athena) bull Princeton Futures Strategy bull Principal Funds bull Manajemen Modal Swasta (Fundvantage) bull Probabilities Fund bull Profesional Dikelola Portofolio - B Ecker Funds bull Profit Funds Investment Trust, Bull ProFunds bull Provident Reksa Dana bull PSI Funds bull PTA Komprehensif Alternatif bull Putnam Investments bull Quaker Dana bull Rainier Dana bull Ramius Funds (Aristoteles) bull Raylor Managed Futures Strategy (Taylor Xplor) bull RBB Funds, Red Bull Managed Inner Circle II bull Redwood Managed Volatility Funds bull Regal Total Return Fund bull REMS Portofolio Real Estate (The World Funds Trust) banteng Renaissance Large Cap Growth Fund bull Dana Pendukung Red Bull Fund Investment Fund (Buller Fund) BullBound Fund Bull Funds bull Bull River Fund Fund Bull Bullpark Fund Bull Bullback Fund Management Fund (Fundamental Management) (sebelumnya Burnham) Banteng RNC Genter Dividen Penghasilan banteng Robeco Boston Mitra banteng Robert W Baird Funds (Baird Funds) bull Roge Partners Fund Bull Rothschild Larch Lane (Penasihat Inner Circle III) bull Royce Funds bull RPg Emerging Market Sector bull RS Dana bull Rydex Funds (Investasi Guggenheim) bull RX Dana Trust (Risk X) bull S1 Fund bull Mitra yang menonjol Salient MF Trust bull Sandalwood Opportunity bull Sands Modal (Penasihat Inner Circle) banteng Saratoga Dana banteng Satuit Dana (Tocqueville) banteng Dana Schneider banteng Dana Schooner banteng Schroders Reksa Dana Saham AS Bull Schwab Dana banteng Dana Nilai Schwartz (Ave Maria) bull Scotia Dinamis Pertumbuhan AS (RBB Funds) bull Dana Pramuka Pelaut Dana banteng Segall Bryant amp Hamill bull SEI Dana bull Selected Funds (bagian dari Dana Davis) bull Semper MBS Funds bull Reksa Dana Seksual (bagian dari keluarga AmanaSaturna) bull SFG Futures Strategy bull Shelton Dana bull Shenkman Funds (lihat Harbour Funds) bull SkyBridge Nilai Dividen (Fundvantage Trust) banteng Sierra Funds bull SignalPoint Global Alpha bull SilverPepper Dana bull Skyline Special Equities Portfolio bull Smallcap Wor Ld Dana banteng Smead Nilai Dana banteng Kelompok Smith Dana sapi Salju Salju Keluarga Dana banteng banteng banteng Shore Shore SouthernSun Dana banteng Steinberg Manajemen Aset (Dana Forum) banteng Reksa Dana Pendamping (Capstone Asset Planning) bull Stewart Capital bull Stone Toro Long Short Fund bull Stralem Fund bull Strategis Amerika Latin Dana bull Summit Global Investments (RBB Funds) bull SunAmerica Reksa Dana bull SuperFund Managed Futures (Equinox) bull Peluang Berkelanjutan bull Swan Didefinisikan Dana Resiko banteng Dana sistematis Bull T Rowe Harga banteng Alokasi Aset Taktis banteng Dana Emisi Pajak Dari CAMDVA bull Dana yang Dibebaskan Pajak Dana dari Amerika Bull Taylor Xplor Dikelola Futures bull TCM (Tygh Capital Management) Growth Funds bull TCW Dana Galileo bull Teberg Fund bull TETON Westwood (GabelliGAMCO) bull TFS Funds bull THB-Thomson Horstmann amp Bryant (Penasihat Inner Lingkaran) banteng Third Avenue banteng Thomas White Funds bull Thompson IM banteng Thornburg Manajemen Investasi banteng TimeSquare Intern Ational Small Cap Fund bull Timothy Plan bull TIP Funds (Investasi Turner) banteng Tocqueville Dana banteng Toews Hedged Funds bull Dana Internasional Toreador (The World Funds Trust) bull Torray Fund bull Tortoise Capital Advisors bull Touchstone Investments bull Towle Deep Value Fund bull Transamerica Funds bull Dana Penanam Modal bull Trilogy Funds bull TSampW Portofolio Ekuitas (Advisors Inner Circle) bull Turner Investments (TIP Funds) bull Tweedy, Browne Mutual Funds bull Two Oaks Diversified Growth amp Penghasilan banteng Dua Jalan Bersama Kepercayaan banteng Investor Global AS menggembalakan Dana Sekuritas Pemerintah AS bull Ultimus Manajer Trust bull Union Street Partners Value (Dana Perwalian Dunia) banteng USA Mutuals (dahulu Wakil Dana) bull Valley Forge Fund bull Nilai Line bull Van Eck Dana bull Vanguard Group bull Wakil Dana (lihat USA Mutuals) bull Victory (VCM) Funds bull Dana Villere (Quaker) bull Virtus Investment Partners banteng Vista (VRM) Terdaftar Ekuitas Swasta Bull Vivaldi Merger Arbitrage bul L Voya Investment Management (dahulu ING) bull Vulcan Value Partners bull Waddell amp Reed Advisors bull Wasatch Dana bull Washington Mutual Investors bull Wavelength bull WBI Investments bull WCM Dana bull Weitz Investment Management Funds bull Wellesley Investment Advisors (Miller Convertible Funds) bull Wells Fargo Advantage Dana banteng West Shore Real Return Income Funds bull WestCore Funds (Denver Investments) banteng Westport Funds bull Westwood Funds (Advisors Inner Circle) bull WHV Funds (Fundvantage Trust) bull William Blair Dana banteng Williamsburg Investment Trust: Dana FBP bull Williamsburg Investment Trust: Davenport Dana bull Wilshire Mutual Funds bull Bull Dana Wintergreen Dana Modal Wisconsin (Dana Plumb) bull World Funds (Pax) bull World Funds Trust, Bull (Modal Dominion Pertama) Wright Managed Funds Wright Investors Service bull Yacktman Dana bull Zacks Dana bull Zeo Strategic Income Bull Zevenbergen Funds Note: Investor harus mempertimbangkan obj investasi Ektif, risiko, biaya dan biaya perusahaan investasi dengan hati-hati sebelum berinvestasi. Untuk mengetahui hal ini atau informasi lainnya tentang reksa dana tertentu, mohon mengajukan prospektus dari perusahaan dana atau Trading Direct, untuk membaca secara seksama sebelum melakukan pemesanan. FundVest adalah merek layanan terdaftar dari Pershing, LLC. Explain the Merits and Demerits of Multinational Corporations Meaning. - Istilah 8216Multinational8217 banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia untuk menunjukkan perusahaan besar yang memiliki sumber keuangan, manajerial dan pemasaran yang luas. Perusahaan multinasional seperti perusahaan induk yang berkantor pusat di satu negara dan kegiatan bisnis tersebar di negara asal dan negara lain. Komputer IBM dan Pepsi-Cola dari A. S. Siemens dari Jerman. Sony dan Honda dari Jepang Philips dari Belanda dan lain-lain adalah beberapa perusahaan multinasional yang beroperasi di tingkat internasional. Definisi: - Menurut laporan ILO (yaitu International Labour Organization) 8220 Sifat dasar perusahaan multinasional terletak pada kenyataan bahwa kantor pusat manajerialnya berada di satu negara, sementara perusahaan tersebut melakukan operasi di sejumlah negara lain8217. Berikut ini adalah manfaat dari perusahaan multinasional: 1. Pembangunan Ekonomi. - Negara-negara berkembang membutuhkan modal asing dan teknologi untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya yang tersedia untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dan industri. Perusahaan multinasional dapat menyediakan sumber keuangan, teknis dan sumber daya lain yang diperlukan untuk negara-negara yang membutuhkan dengan imbalan keuntungan ekonomi. 2. Gap Teknologi. - MNCs adalah instrumen transfer teknologi ke negara tuan rumah. Teknologi diperlukan untuk menurunkan biaya produksi dan menghasilkan barang berkualitas dalam skala besar. Layanan MNC dapat sangat membantu untuk menjembatani teknologi antara negara-negara maju dan negara berkembang. 3. Pertumbuhan Industri. - MNCs dinamis dan menawarkan peluang pertumbuhan bagi industri dalam negeri. MNC membantu produsen lokal untuk memasuki pasar global melalui jaringan produksi dan pemasaran internasional yang mapan. Dan di sana dengan memastikan pertumbuhan industri. 4. Peluang Pemasaran. - MNC memiliki akses ke banyak pasar di berbagai negara. Mereka memiliki keahlian dan keahlian yang diperlukan untuk memasarkan produk di tingkat internasional. Sebagai contoh, Perusahaan India dapat memasuki Joint Venture dengan perusahaan asing untuk menjual produknya di pasar internasional. 5. Budaya Kerja. - MNC memperkenalkan budaya kerja yang unggul, profesionalisme dan kewajaran dalam kesepakatan. Satu-satunya tujuan Multinasional adalah Profit Maximation. Untuk mencapai hal ini, perusahaan multinasional menggunakan berbagai strategi seperti inovasi produk, teknologi gradasi, manajemen profesional, dll. 6. Promosi Ekspor. - MNC membantu negara berkembang dalam devisa pendapatan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan industri pengganti yang berorientasi ekspor dan impor. 7. Penelitian dan Pengembangan. - Sumber daya dan pengalaman MNC di bidang penelitian memungkinkan negara tuan rumah membangun sistem penelitian dan pengembangan yang efisien. Ini adalah fakta bahwa banyak perusahaan multinasional sekarang memindahkan unit penelitian mereka ke negara-negara seperti India untuk memanfaatkan insentif moneter dan tenaga kerja murah. Berikut ini adalah manfaat dari MNCs 1. Masalah Teknologi. - Teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh perusahaan multinasional dari negara maju tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan negara-negara berkembang. Ini karena, teknologi semacam itu kebanyakan bersifat padat modal. 2. Interferensi Politik. - MNC dari negara maju dikritik karena campur tangan mereka dalam urusan politik negara-negara berkembang. Melalui sumber keuangan dan sumber daya lainnya, mereka mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan pemerintah negara-negara berkembang. 3. Minat Diri. - MNC bekerja untuk kepentingan pribadi mereka sendiri daripada bekerja untuk pembangunan negara tuan rumah. Mereka lebih tertarik untuk membuat keuntungan dengan biaya berapa pun. 4. Aliran valuta asing. - Kerja MNC adalah beban terbatasnya sumber daya negara berkembang. Mereka mengenakan harga tinggi dalam bentuk komisi dan royalti yang dibayarkan oleh anak perusahaan lokal kepada perusahaan induknya. Hal ini menyebabkan arus keluar devisa. 5. Eksploitasi - MNC dikritik karena mengeksploitasi konsumen dan perusahaan di negara tuan rumah. MNC secara finansial sangat kuat dan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang agresif untuk menjual produk mereka, mengadopsi segala cara untuk menghilangkan persaingan dan menciptakan monopoli di pasar. 6. Investasi. - MNCs lebih suka berinvestasi di bidang risiko rendah dan profitabilitas tinggi. Isu seperti kesejahteraan sosial, prioritas nasional tidak menemukan tempat dalam agenda MNC. 7. Permintaan Buatan. - MNCs dikritik karena mereka menciptakan permintaan buatan dan tidak beralasan dengan memanfaatkan teknik promosi periklanan dan penjualan secara luas. PERTOLONGAN PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN MANAJEMEN Fitur Fitur Perdagangan Satu-Satuan Fitur Keluarga Keluarga Bersama Hindu Fitur Kemitraan Fitur Kemitraan Masyarakat Fitur Perusahaan Gabungan Fitur Layanan Bisnis Sifat-sifat Alam Prinsip-prinsip Pengelolaan Fitur pengorganisasian FiturNature of Staffing FeaturesNature of Directing FeaturesNature of Fitur-fitur Co-ordinationNature of Controlling FeaturesNature karakteristik ENTREPRENEUR featurenaturecharacteristics of Entrepreneurship. Fitur Karakteristik Bisnis Etika Bisnis. Elemen Etika Bisnis DISTINGUISH ANTARA Perhatian Tunggal Perdagangan Kemitraan perusahaan Kepemilikan Bersama Keluarga Hindu Perusahaan Kemitraan Perusahaan Keluarga Bersama Hindu Perusahaan Kemitraan Perusahaan Gabungan Perusahaan Gabungan Perusahaan Gabungan Perusahaan Kerjasama Koperasi Perusahaan Swasta Perusahaan Publik Asuransi Jiwa Asuransi Kebakaran Asuransi Jiwa Asuransi Kelautan Giro Tabungan Rekening Giro Rekening Giro Lalu Lintas Angkutan Angkutan Angkutan Air Angkutan Angkutan Udara Pemeriksaan Bank Umum Bank Sentral Bank Mandiri Gudang Berikat Gudang Tanggung Jawab Sosial Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan. Forum Kabupaten Komisi Negara Komisi Nasional Komisi Nasional APA JENIS Jenis Mitra Jenis Kemitraan Perusahaan Jenis masyarakat koperasi Jenis Layanan Bisnis Jenis Bank Jenis Asuransi Jiwa Jenis Kebijakan Asuransi Kebakaran Jenis Kebijakan Asuransi Kelautan Jenis Barang Rumah Jenis Layanan Surat Jenis layanan Mail khusus Jenis Layanan Pengiriman Uang Jenis Layanan Ritel Tandai SHORT CATATAN PADA Komunikasi Nirkabel Modus Komunikasi Modern Sarana Transportasi Tradisional KEUNGGULAN DAN KEUNTUNGAN Keuntungan dan Keterbukaan Angkutan Jalan Keuntungan dan Keterbatasan Transportasi Angkut Transportasi Air Keuntungan dan Keterbatasan Keterbatasan Keuntungan dan Keterbukaan Angkutan Udara TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL ORGANISASI KOMERSIAL TERHADAP Tanggung Jawab Sosial terhadap Tanggung Jawab Tanggung Jawab Sosial terhadap Tanggung Jawab Sosial Tanggung Jawab Sosial kepada Karyawan Tanggung Jawab Sosial terhadap Konsumen Tanggung Jawab Sosial terhadap Hak Asasi Sosial Pemerintah Komunitas sponsibility, publik pada umumnya. MERITUSI DAN PERMINTAAN Kemuliaan dan Kekurangan Konsistensi Perdagangan Tunggal dan Kerugian Perusahaan Kemitraan Kemuliaan dan Kekurangan Kemakmuran Keluarga Bersama Hindu dan Kekurangan Kemakmuran Masyarakat Bersama dan Kekurangan Perusahaan Gabungan JAWABAN DALAM RINCIAN Apa Instruksi yang Dibedakan Pada tingkat yang paling dasar , Diferensiasi terdiri dari upaya guru untuk merespon varians antar peserta didik di kelas. Kapan pun seorang guru menjangkau kelompok individu atau kelompok kecil untuk menyesuaikan ajarannya agar bisa menciptakan pengalaman belajar terbaik, guru tersebut membeda-bedakan instruksi. Guru dapat membedakan setidaknya empat elemen kelas berdasarkan kesiapan siswa, minat, atau profil pembelajaran: Isi apa yang siswa perlu pelajari atau bagaimana siswa akan mendapatkan akses ke informasi Kegiatan proses yang melibatkan siswa untuk memahami atau Menguasai konten Produk yang berpuncak pada proyek yang meminta siswa untuk melamar, melamar, dan memperluas apa yang telah dia pelajari di unit dan lingkungan Belajar seperti kelas bekerja dan merasa. Contoh membedakan konten pada tingkat dasar meliputi: Menggunakan bahan bacaan pada tingkat keterbacaan yang bervariasi Meletakkan bahan teks pada rekaman Menggunakan daftar ejaan atau kosa kata pada tingkat kesiapan siswa Menyajikan ide melalui alat pendengaran dan visual Menggunakan teman membaca dan Pertemuan dengan kelompok kecil Untuk mengajarkan kembali gagasan atau keterampilan untuk berjuang peserta didik, atau untuk memperluas pemikiran atau keterampilan peserta didik lanjut. Contoh proses atau kegiatan pembeda di tingkat dasar meliputi: Menggunakan kegiatan berjenjang dimana semua peserta didik bekerja dengan pemahaman dan keterampilan penting yang sama, namun dilanjutkan dengan berbagai tingkat dukungan, tantangan, atau kompleksitas Menyediakan pusat minat yang mendorong siswa untuk mengeksplorasi Subset dari topik kelas yang menarik bagi mereka Mengembangkan agenda pribadi (daftar tugas yang ditulis oleh guru dan berisi keduanya dalam pekerjaan umum untuk keseluruhan kelas dan pekerjaan yang memenuhi kebutuhan individu peserta didik) yang harus diselesaikan baik selama waktu agenda tertentu atau sebagai Siswa menyelesaikan pekerjaan lain lebih awal Menawarkan manipulatif atau dukungan langsung lainnya untuk siswa yang membutuhkannya dan Memvariasikan jangka waktu yang dapat diambil seorang siswa untuk menyelesaikan tugas guna memberikan dukungan tambahan bagi pelajar yang sedang berjuang atau untuk mendorong seorang pelajar lanjut untuk mengejar Sebuah topik secara lebih mendalam. Contoh membedakan produk pada tingkat dasar meliputi: Memberikan pilihan kepada siswa tentang cara mengekspresikan pembelajaran yang dibutuhkan (misalnya membuat pertunjukan wayang, menulis surat, atau mengembangkan mural dengan label) Menggunakan rubrik yang sesuai dan memperluas tingkat keterampilan siswa yang bervariasi. Siswa untuk bekerja sendiri atau dalam kelompok kecil dalam produk mereka dan Mendorong siswa untuk membuat tugas produk mereka sendiri asalkan tugas tersebut mengandung elemen yang dibutuhkan. Lingkungan belajar Contoh membedakan lingkungan belajar di tingkat dasar meliputi: Memastikan ada tempat di ruangan untuk bekerja dengan tenang dan tanpa gangguan, serta tempat-tempat yang mengundang kolaborasi siswa Menyediakan materi yang mencerminkan berbagai budaya dan setting rumah Setting clear Pedoman untuk pekerjaan mandiri yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan individu Mengembangkan rutinitas yang memungkinkan siswa mendapatkan bantuan saat guru sibuk dengan siswa lain dan tidak dapat segera membantu mereka dan Membantu siswa memahami bahwa beberapa peserta didik perlu bergerak untuk belajar, sementara yang lain lebih baik duduk dengan tenang (Tomlinson , 1995, 1999 Winebrenner, 1992, 1996). Dikirim oleh Anonymous (tidak diverifikasi) pada 9 Februari 2011 - 8:36 pm Saya tahu bahwa kita tidak dapat menempatkan semua guru dalam kategori yang sama NAMUN Seperti kebanyakan percakapan lainnya (di web dan di distrik sekolah) mengenai diferensiasi, selalu ada respons yang sama. . Guru menengah dan sekolah menengah membuat alasan mengapa pekerjaan mereka sangat sulit. Bagaimana di dunia ini diharapkan bisa membedakan pengajaran dengan begitu banyak siswa. Hummmmm Mengingat bahwa sebagian besar guru sekolah menengah dan atas tidak memiliki 2 area pelajaran untuk diajarkan setiap hari dan guru SD mengajar membaca, sains, matematika, menulis, studi sosial, geografi, sejarah dan dengan potongan menambahkan seni dan musik. Bagaimana mereka bisa melakukannya Apakah saya menyebutkan penyeka hidung, celana zipping, menulis catatan harian kepada orang tua, membersihkan messes Harap diingat bahwa kebanyakan dari mereka juga tidak memiliki derajat untuk konten tertentu sebagai rekan menengah dan sekolah menengah mereka. Jadi mereka harus merencanakan, merencanakan, merencanakan untuk instruksi. Saya bisa terus dan saya yakin banyak dari Anda tidak akan setuju kecuali fakta-faktanya. I think a great first step would be to stop the sit and down and listen strategy from the 1970s and provide students with engaging work. Just a thought. Stop making excuses and do the work that you are committed to do on behalf of kids. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 23, 2011 - 2:46am It is important to use differentiation in order to meet the individual needs of each student. In math it might be more beneficial to differentiate the environment rather than the content and in reading it may be easier to differentiate the content. You can look at content, process, product and environment, there are many opportunities for differentiation. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on April 13, 2011 - 11:00am Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 2, 2012 - 12:26pm help. i am struggling with differentiation. i have a class of 36 prealgebra students and with so many (and they are very chatty)i am finding it difficult. last year i only had 18 and it is almost impossible to do some of the same activities that i did with my smaller group last year. when i group them i have 9 groups and my class is filled to capacity. all advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 5, 2012 - 1:19am I teach high school science. You can come up with new jargon all you want but I have always been implementing these strategies. If you want your student to learn and if you find that they are not doing as well as you would like then naturally you modify, tweak, alter your methods as much as you can to get different results. For much of us it is trial and error. Unfortunately I have seen many teachers who have no business in the teaching profession. But that goes the same for many other professions that deal with the general public. but teaching youth is special and requires a special sensitivity. I find nothing significantly new or different in this or much of the other tools talked about which probably means what has been said before. Though people can be taught to teach, clearly, some are born to teach. And btw lets not leave out the 800lb. gorilla in the room. I find it quite remarkably interesting that ALL this educational reform goes right out the window when these kids leave K-12 public schools and enter college, vocational or training in the military. Once at this level of learning, all of the sudden differentiation, flipping the classroom and student centeredproject based learninget al. doesnt apply Oooh, I suppose it has nothing to do with austerity measures, destroying unions, pension not to mention these many millionaire and billionaire new educational reform corporations that go all over the country and the world to push their educational reform charterprivate schools so they can rake in billion. Just an observation, I am old enough to remember a form of technology, a pesticide, that was used to minimize damage to crops thus yielding an increase in harvest and therefore profit margins. Its the American way..at all times the needs of capitalism drives production. which translates into more profit. Unfortunately, more often than not there is a cost of doing business. In the case of this particular pesticide, it was later discovered to be the sole reason for the almost complete extinction of a bird that our country uses as its symbol of strength, freedom and nobility. Yes, DDT was the culprit that almost ended up killing our dearly embraced symbol of American superiority, the American Bald Eagle. What does this have to do with differentiated learning and all the many techniques and strategies that seem to be at the center of discussion on educational reform Hmmm. in this country, Ive noticed there is often a propensity to use a lot of band-aids to treat symptoms of conditions that in fact should really be dealt from a systemic and societal perspective. The examples are endless. and reveal a pattern of conduct in which we, as a society, wont or cant deal with the roots of problems but rather would prefer to react to the immediate and most observable symptoms of a more profound deeply embedded problem. The pesticide(technology)was created ultimately to help produce as high a yield of crop as possible so that demands can be met and money can thus be made. In fact, American slave trading existed for fundamentally the same reasons. The drive was about making large amounts of money regardless of the means by which it was accomplished (and then through cognitive dissonance. rationalize this insidious practice of human trafficking by creating this notion of race where one is superior over the other. Are we or at least the few economic elite so different from the days of imperialismJust how far have we come as human beings from this need to acquire land, collect as much wealth as possible, to commodify the entire planet including our own kind Here we are in the digital age. We have created a world for our children, a world in which they are being so profoundly impacted by this new way of making money through technology. The human-screen analog digital interface. This infusion and intensifying of visual amp audio media from movies to television (sesame street, electric company. )to desktop computers, to laptops, to mini desktops, to mini laptops, to walkmans, to ipods, to video arcades, to playstations, to xbox, to ce llfones, to pdas, smartphones to iphones, to ipads, to kindles, to more, and more cgi enhanced movie and tv imagery..and so on. Have we gone too far without any kind of check and balance system in place. What did you think would happen when our infants are raised in the world of human to digital screen interfacing. These children have been raised in a world of sensory overload. The brain, the mind of the human is amazing. it adapts very quickly. it will process what it needs to process in order to make sense out of the world and it will do so whether there be any checks and balances put in place or not. But exactly what kind of world is our brain making sense of if the world is a virtual one..a digital reality. A kind of matrix of our own doing. The mind will absorb. it will process. it will form new neural pathways that will lead it toward new and uncharted realms of processing, reasoning and thinking. I ask you, is it any wonder why the methods of instruction that have been used to pass on civilization inter-generationally for centuries if not millennia have suddenly (in a couple of decades) seemed to fall short in achieving the goals of educating our children. Kesserian Ingera Is it shocking that we are faced with alleged epidemic proportions of conditions like A. D.D. and indeed could there be a link in the phenomena Surely some correlation, no I remember learning that one should never place a baby in a crib without some sort of toys and devices that can help develop as many of its senses as possible. The smart infant and toddler toy companies based on research developed and marketed a plethora of toys for in and out of the crib. all for the purpose of stimulating the childs sensory and cognitive developmental potentials. I know I have also witnessed how QUICKLY babies respond to the highly stimulating lights, colors, moving figures, animations and imageries that they see on a LCD screen. They press a key here and this happens, press a different key and that happens, toggle a joystick and observe all the changes on the screen. These amazing little minds are absorbing and processing more than we can ever know while they fidget with these devices. But like so many technologies infused into our society, we simple dont know the full implications of its introduction. So like we did with DDT we have deal with it head on or ultimately deal with its irreparable consequences down the road. I am in no way suggesting that we arrest the advancement of science and technology. that is absurd. not to mention the fact that I am a science teacher. I am pointing out that we as a society (starting with the INDIVIDUAL) should pay more close attention to what drives our society. cant there be more of a balance. more of an awareness. more of a philosophical oriented interest into the things that we invent In our great creativity and inventiveness can stand back and ask ourselves. where are we going with all this and at what cost. can we foster a kind of objectivity to it all and perhaps look to the bigger picture A re-examination of who we are as a society. A deeper look into axiology and epistemology is needed. What is meant by our HUMANITY Our future on this earth. our accomplishment as a species capable of reasoning and thought beyond the need to fill our bellies, our wallets, our time with waste. Yes lets differentiate our lives as well as our lessons. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 10, 2013 - 11:22pm OK, jg and all of your supporters, yes, elementary teachers work hard too, but I have (as an administrator) seen elementary teachers who seem to think lesson planning consists of turning to the next page in the teacher edition - and I dont mean the night before - I am talking about doing that when its time to teach the lesson, so HS teachers with yellowed lesson plans in a dusty cabinet dont have a monopoly on lack of planning. There are excellent and poor teachers at all levels, and none of them have an easy job. We do ourselves a disservice when we bicker back and forth about who has the toughest job. However, in this discussion, the number of students per day IS a valid concern. If you have the same 30 kids all day, even if it is for all possible subjects, you can get to know their learning needs and allow activities to flow from one to another, covering more than one topic in the same activity. You can use non-fiction reading materials for reading and science, you can teach a math and science combination lesson together with a writing assignment afterward, etc. The HS teacher has to stick to one topic and stop after X minutes to begin again with a new group - and every group is composed of different students with unique needs. In many states, and especially now with the Common Core, the sheer number of topics to cover during the course can be quite daunting, and teachers feel the pressure to cover the material. (I dont equate coverage with teaching - I am just saying there is a lot of pressure to cover all objectives.) And, I hate to burst your bubble, many HS teachers do have multiple subjects in a single day. However, even the year that I had four sections of geometry and one of another math (so only two preps), the four geometry classes were all different and had to be approached differently. Same topic with different kids does not mean that you can do exactly the same lesson. Differentiation is difficult but worthwhile, and it is not something you can do for every lesson every day, but excellent teachers find a way to do as much as they can to help all students achieve. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 23, 2013 - 4:07pm Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on July 2, 2013 - 12:04am hellow. differentiated instruction is not practiced in our school. I am planning to conduct a study about its effectiveness in enhancing my students conceptual understanding and attitude in my subject since its, well, considered by many as a hard science. Can i differentiate the teaching-learning process only (without changing the content of what they should learn and expect the same outputproduct for the whole class). Another question is, should i also differentiate the learning environment By the way i want to differentiate my methods based from my students learning styles only..is it ok if i only consider the learning styledisregarding the other factors for learning. Help pls:) thanx Wow. quite the comments. I think the biggest problem with DI at this point in time is that we obviously are not in agreement on its practical definition. If when we try and implement a program we took the time to talk about the various ways this format has tried to be implemented, we could get a better handle on what we want it to look like. Personally, I think we need to make something sound easy and enticing to those that have to implement and for Gods sake. let the teachers fail once in a while theyre trying to grow themselves. Thats a huge problem for teachers today. no mistakes, only success. ridiculous.
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